Hi, just a casual deck I'm working on. I've been developing this for a few months, it's great at my casual metagame but when eventually I play with some more serious players i easily lose. Would like any tips to improve it, just keeping in mind that this is sort of budget and I don't own many other cards.
The deck works by basically slowing down the opponent and neutralizing his threads with: Journey to Nowhere, Oblivion Ring, Swords to Plowshares, Day of Judgment. Until I can place a thread like Admonition Angel, Deathless Angel, activated Luminarch Ascension, Iona, Shield of Emeria, Karn Liberated.
Emeria Angels are really cool, and provide offense at the same as chump blockers.
Twilight Shepherd provides a really cool sinergy with Swords to Plowshares and specially Day of Judgment allowing me to replay my stuff after board sweeping. Stays as a one of, because i don't have many of those cards on the deck.
Wall of Omens protects me from from aggro before I reach day of judgment mana.
Ghost Town allows me to trigger the landfall angels repeatdly at the late game.
Bant Panorama Allows me to exile stuff at instant speed with Admonition Angel, and is a budget alernative to geting multiple lands hit the battlefield at the same turn.
Emeria, The Sky Ruin is great against control, because the game usually takes long, and than Emeria can give me a lot of advantage.
I never actually played with combo but I believe it can really kick my ass, so any tipas for the sideboard are welcome.