
Artifact (3)


Creature (1)

Sorcery (1)

Hm, okay. This is a deck that plays with the graveyard and populate counters as hell, is a work in progress but for now it works.

The plan is simple: use the dead as you can and ramp.

This deck can be filtered relatively fast and you can trigger morbids as well.

Evolving Wilds is a little slow, but you can search for a basic land that you really need.

Sakura-Tribe Elder is a nice , you can block with that card, sacrifice it and search a land, or sacrifice it in the enemy end and activate a morbid for Tragic Slip or Hunger of the Howlpack

Altar's Reap Is a nice card here, you can sacrifice the Slitherhead because anyone want to kill it and give you free scavenging at the enemy's end, or block with something that is obviously dead and then sacrifice it... draw two cards... be happy.

In the ramp section, i'm thinking about to use Caravan Vigil x2 or x3 and have a 63 cards deck, but i don't know... is a nice ramp combo with Sakura-Tribe Elder at the beginning of my unkeep (sugestions here are welcome), but i'm not sure if i can ramp with sakura and then ramp again with Caravan, i think not.

Well, this is the base of the deck, put a bunch of counters on a creature and then smash the enemy.

Hardened Scales

Simple, you can put counters for free with Slitherhead and put one more with Hardened Scales or use Hunger of the Howlpack and put not 3, 4 counters for

Corpsejack Menace

Everyone hate's this card and if they can destroy it, it will, so you need to play Corpsejack Menace carefully, because it puts twice the counters, and is acumulative with another Corpsejack. It's just brutal.

Grim Affliction

A beautiful card that can proliferate any type of counters on any permanent, so you put a -1/-1 counter of any creature, then proliferate and put another -1/-1 counter on that creature aaaaaand that many counters on your own creatures, 1, 2 or who knows, it depends if you have Hardened Scales or Corpsejack Menace in play.

A note of sinergy and combos

Take your time, this deck can populate counters as hell, you only need to have some creativitie, don't be afraid to sacrifice your own creatures to put a lot of counters in other attacking creature at instant speed, the sky is the limit.

With the theory of how you can populate your counters, here are the primal creatures of your deck: Lotleth Troll + Scavenging Ooze . They have a lot of synergy because Lotleth discard some creature of your hand and the Ooze take it from the graveyard... and if you have Hardened Scales in play, well, you know.

Scavenging Ooze is a bastard, you can declare it in atacking, remove some poor creature from play with Tragic Slip for , scavenge that creature for , then pay another and play Hunger of the Howlpack with morbid... 4 counters +1/+1 for just + + AND if for some reason you have Hardened Scales or Rancor or anything, well, be happy.

Lotleth Troll is a destructive card and you can regenerate it easy, so put counters on it are a good deal... and he have trample, so is one of the best cards i've seen for this deck.


Updates Add

I'm thinking about what can i do here, the deck already have a base of all i need, but the rest is my pain.

The base in creatures is around 16 creatures:

Cool, but now i need 4 creatures, this is an aggro deck and less than 20 creatures isn't a good idea. My maybeboard have some sugestions:

Ambush Viper is a niiiice "removal", and give me morbids, graveyard and food to the Ooze.

Diregraf Ghoul is just a 2/2 for but idk.

Sorcery vs Enchantment

I'm wondering to use Increasing Savagery but it's heavy, versus Hardened Scales, i don't know wich choose here.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 3 Rares

14 - 6 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.07
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