Went 3-3 at the West Michigan Gaming Convention FNM. 80 people total. Below, are my results I can remember.
Match #1: Bant Control (1-2)
Round 1:Win, I was able to rush him with strong enchanted creatures. No verdict or anything.
Round 2: Loss, Established control and ended up dropped an Aetherling.. I gave up.
Round 3: Loss, Extremely close one actually. He ended up sending my Hopeful Eidolon that was enchanted with a few things up to my hand. Left Eidolon of Countless Battles on the field. He drops a Kiora next turn and bubbled my Eidolon. To try to establish offense again, I dropped another EoCB into a D-Sphere. Ult Kiora. Drew a D-Sphere 1 turn late.
Match #2: MonoBlack Aggro (2-1) BNG Event Deck
Round 1: Loss, Cackler + a couple Shred Freaks and gamover
Round 2: Win, out raced him and dodged a few removal spells with protection.
Round 3: Win, same as before.
Match #3: I played the originator of the "Oh Shit Worldspine Deck" Monogreen (2-1)
Round 1: Win, Hopeful Eidolon + Ethereal Armor + Aqueous Form + etc.= too fast for ramp
Round 2: Loss, Welp.. Next think I know, two sylvan primoridials, garruk, worldspine, nylea. A lot of deathtouch and trample at my face. GG.
Round 3: Win, Deck was beautiful. curved into fabled Hero and just rushed him. I felt fantastic after the win.
Match #4 Monoblack Devotion (1-2)
Round 1: Loss, First time I actually saw the pack rat swarm... it was ugly.
Round 2: Speed is the name of the game. Rushed him with a hopeful eidolon and a fabled hero. No much removal.
Round 3: He saved all the removal for this round. At the end of the match he had 10 removal (including 2 Thoughtseize)... Safe to say I got owned. Not a single D-Sphere.
Match #5 Bant Control? (2-1) Never saw the Green
Round 1: Loss, got him to 1 life. I was at 40+. Misplay led to my hopeful eidolon azorius charmed and he established board control and used the mill Jace to finish the job. Can't even describe the disappointment.
Round 2: Rushed him in a similar situation but no send up.
Round 3: Army of Precinct captain, Soldier of the Pantheon, Tokens.. no verdict. GG
Match #6 U/w Devotion (2-1) Forgot the order of wins so ill guess.
Round 1: Master of waves.. thassa... GG
Round 2: He had his elemental army out; however, I topdecked Aqueous form and swung for the win.
Round 3: Hitting serious damage and got him down to a few; however, he got two master of waves and I couldnt topdeck a Brave the elements or Aqueous Form.
Overall, I got to test my deck against the current meta. Definitely a learning experience. Things I learned, I hate mutavault, I hate monoblack, and I hate kiora haha.