Gruul hydra ramp deck running off of green devotion
There is enough ramp in the deck to take hands with only one land and even win a game with just one land. The low lands often force a mulligan or two but mana ramps very quickly often making this less of a problem than it would seem.
On the draw a perfect hand and draw can put out a Kalonian Hydra and a 28/28 Mistcutter Hydra on turn 4
Lots of fun to play. Very funny when opponent uses Thoughtseize because you are often holding lots of big creatures or hydras that can be big
3 and 2 at FNM finished 9th
Round 1
2-1 against Esper control
Round 2
0-2 against against Selesnya tokens
Round 3
2-0 against black spalsh red
Round 4
1-2 black red aggro
Round 5
2-0 against U/W control
Elvish Mystic, Burning-Tree Emissary, and Sylvan Caryatid for mana acceleration.
With devotion Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
Voyaging Satyr
and Karametra's Acolyte produce HUGE amounts of mana.
Mana ramp makes Mistcutter Hydra, Savageborn Hydra, and Vastwood Hydra huge.
Kalonian Hydra makes a Monsterous Polukranos, World Eater, Mistcutter Hydra, Savageborn Hydra, and Vastwood Hydra even bigger.
Nylea, God of the Hunt gives those huge hydras trample.
Xenagos, God of Revels doubles big hydras.
Ruric Thar, the Unbowed punishes control decks and makes removal spells hurt.
Domri Rade for draw, removal, and emblem.
Arbor Colossus for pesky fliers.
Archetype of Endurance to help against control and removal.
Mending Touch keep a creature through a Supreme Verdict.
Clan Defiance for large damage if needed.
Naturalize to get rid of Detention Sphere and other annoying enchantments or artifacts.
Savage Summoning for control match-ups.