More heads means more power.
This deck started off with pretty much all hydras as a gimmick but to make it more competitive (at least competitive enough to take down my friends) I've added a few gods and a few other nice little beasties.
This deck is a ramp pure and simple. With the right draw you can be rolling in land (seven on the battlefield) by the end of turn 3:
Turn 1: Island, Cloudfin Raptor
Turn 2: Forest, Ordeal of Nylea on said Cloudfin
Turn 3: Land, Endless One for one, another ordeal on the cloudfin and attack. And bam, you now get to search your library for 4 lands and put them in tapped.
Besides that Protean Hydra is your go to, early or late game it causes havoc. Your opponent pretty much has to get rid of it in one go or it just gets angrier. It being immune to deathtouch is also pretty nice.
Both the prophet and Kruphix himself allow you to just pump out bigger and bigger creatures. While using the second ability of the Zameck Guildmage lets you not only draw cards but combos well with the Protean Hydra's last ability. Bioshift can also be applied to the Protean Hydra with equally as pleasing results.
Polymorphist's Jest is in there cause I'm a dick.
That's about it, everything else is for buff, ramp, removal or to prevent your opponent from wiping out your big boys.
As always comments and suggestions are more than welcome.