
After 25 years of Magic: The Gathering bringing fun new cards for every type of player, the time has come for take things back to two classic strategies: Lifegain and Burn. We can combine these strategies through the use of newly revealed commander Firesong and Sunspeaker. This pair of Minotaurs flavorfully combines two Hurloon Minotaurs into an interesting general. Firesong and Sunspeaker are for a 4/6 Minotaur Cleric. The mana cost is a little high, especially in a color combination that does not ramp well enough to play it multiple times. There are ways to get around this such as mana rocks for easy ramp. Being a 4/6 isn't bad persay, but if we are playing the deck how we want to, their power and toughness will not matter. Your goal will be to bring them out as quickly ass possible BUT NOT BEFORE YOU HAVE A WAY TO PROTECT THEM. Don't waste all that mana bringing them out just for them to die to your next burn spell or to removal or even combat damage.

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First ability: Red instant and Sorcery spells you control have lifelink.

This is an ability tons have people have been eagerly waiting for on a legendary creature. While im sure we all wanted a Naya or Jeskai commander to do so, we still got a pretty good commander! Let's make the best of it! This ability is great! Any of our burn spells we use while Firesong and Sunspeaker are on the battlefield will grant us life as well. This makes mass burn like Blasphemous Act even MORE worth the mana. Dealing 13 damage to even 5 creatures is 65 life. We'll come back to this ability more later, but here are some great examples of cards you'll want to consider to fully utilize this ability:

Star of Extinction - Chain Reaction - Comet Storm - Shivan Meteor - Rolling Earthquake

Second ability: Whenever a White instant or Sorcery causes you to gain life Firesong and Sunspeaker deals 3 damage to target creature or player.

This ability already received a nerf in the form of the PLaneswalker rules. Firesong and Sunspeaker can not target Planeswalkers. With that out of the way, let's get into this ability. This ability is subpar, but it does do something for white that very few other commanders can. This turns cards like Healing Hands and Reviving Dose, which would otherwise see no play, into cards that are actually worth their mana costs. Gain X life, draw a card, and deal 3 damage to a target for . Not half bad. But what makes this ability even better is what it can do in combination with Firesong and Sunspeaker's first ability. But first: Here are some recommendations of cards that utilize this ability:

Ritual of Rejuvenation - Cursebreak - Divine Offering - Honor the Fallen - Fumigate

How Firesong and Sunspeaker truly shines is through the usage of both of their abilities at the same time! Lightning Helix has finally found it's home in EDH! Let's do some math! Lightning helix costs and deals 3 damage to target creature or player then gains you 3 life. Because it is a red spell you will gain 3 more life from Lifelink. This triggers Firesong and Sunspeaker's second ability twice. In total that's 9 damage(3+3+3) and 6 life(3+3) and all you paid was . Sounds great, right? Well it is! The great part is that it doesn't stop there!

Boros Charm - Brightflame - Warleader's Helix - Deflecting Palm - Intimidation Bolt

When you start the game, be on the look out for at least 3 lands and a way to make a little extra mana. This can be found a few ways: You can start with a mana rock, a spell like Seeting Song, or you can be a cheeky little bastard and copy someones ramp spell with a card like Reiterate. If you feel that you aren't doing well enough in mana add more rocks like Worn Powerstone, Boros Signet, and Coalition Relic.

Other cards you'll want in your hand are cards that let you draw more cards or artifacts to start setting up. The better your setup, the more impact you have when FSSS comes into play. THE MOST VITAL THING TO HAVE IN YOUR HAND IS A WAY TO PROTECT FSSS. I cannot state this enough. You paid at least 6 mana for a card your entire deck is centered around. You NEED to be able to have it survive at least a little bit! So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep this in mind.

Once the game has been going you'll want to at least have some setup. An artifact or two to reduce costs or copy spells, is great. Bring out your Cows and place your protection. You can play one of two ways; Focus on taking out the largest threat with targeted burn or try and widdle everyone down at the same time. If all goes well, you'll have plenty of life to simply take hits (Beware of commander damage) and eventually Death Lazer with Aetherflux Reservoir. Focus your targeted burn on enemy commanders (if possible) or on players who are doing the most.

On a side note, add and remove cards based on your meta. The build you see above is most likely what works best in my meta.

  • There are ways to make infinite mana or even just a few ways to milk all the mana you'll need!

    Rings of Brighthearth + Basalt Monolith is an easy 2 piece infinite combo you can use for those nasty X spells. Just be sure you don't kill yourself.

    Mana Geyser + Reiterate is another easy one. This one, however, has a condition. You need 11 mana to do it. Meet it and youre peachy.

    Cards like Azor's Gateway   can net you a ton of mana if you manage to transform it, also!

This deck is very risky to play. While you may have a huge amount of removal you are running very few creatures. This means you are wide open for attacks. You're also running a Boros deck, which means you lack counter spells and reliable ways to draw cards. Keeping your weaknesses in mind will allow you to further act on your strengths. Quite often you'll find yourself going all in; Paying a ton of life into Treasonous Ogre for that game changing X spell, or dealing a ton of damage in your main phase 1 with Neheb out, just to deal EVEN MORE on your main phase 2. You'll be gaining a bunch of life as your defense but remember to deal the commanders that are aggressive attackers (Examples: Uril, the Miststalker, The Ur-Dragon) and also commanders that tend to combo off very quickly (Examples: Mizzix of the Izmagnus, Tasigur, the Golden Fang.

  • Just a big thanks! This deck was a lot of work and for months to come I'll be making changes and edits to get it JUST right. A big thanks to Suns_Champion for a bunch of great ideas and showing me an incredible rendition of our new favorite cows!

    I'll add more here as time goes by!


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92% Competitive

Revision 4 See all

(5 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #11 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.88
Folders Favorites, Interesting Commander Decks, Commander, Notable Decks, Commander
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