The best offense is terrifying defense! This deck is so fun, it's just silly. This is the evolution of my old Standard deck You won't see this in your meta., and it's cheeky as all hell. People don't see it coming, and it's fairly resilient to a lot of strategies. It walls off aggro, and any attack based strategy.
The primary goal is to ramp into our awesome high cost spells, and win through a mix of control and walling (literally). Our win conditions are Assemble the Legion, Vent Sentinels, and Assault Formation, and if we have no other options, we can last effort
Curse of the Swine
our own board.
This deck isn't going to win any PTQ's, but it's a hell of a lot of fun to play with your group, and might sneak out a FNM victory every now and again. It loses to board wipes and affinity. Haven't had too much experience with much else. +1 if you like what you see! Please comment your suggestions or thoughts. I'd love to make this deck better without breaking the bank.
So without further adieu, lets get to the cards!
Axebane Guardian: The all star of the deck. He makes stupid amounts of mana in any color we want. Only gets better the longer the game goes on. We're a four color deck, so fixing is paramount.
Drift of Phantasms: The tutor champion. He can get Axebane Guardian if we're shy on ramp, Guard Gomazoa if we need to stop a terrifying attacker in its tracks, Wall of Denial is we're afraid the Gomazoa would get removed, Detention Sphere as catch-all removal,
to protect our set up, or once we've assembled the mana factory we have Sphinx's Revelation because it's amazing, and Genesis Wave because it's also amazing. So by extention, Drift of Phantasms is amazing.
Fog Bank: Our 2 mana shut down when Sylvan Caryatid's not in our opener. He's a fantastic stall mechanic.
Guard Gomazoa: Almost the same as fog bank, except he can technically hit back. He can even be tutored for in a pinch.
Overgrown Battlement: Similar to Axebane Guardian, but comes down a turn earlier. He's there for quantity over quality, and makes our X spells insane.
Sanctum Plowbeast
: A defender that can get us 2 of our vital colors of mana instead of being dead in the hand? Yes please. Plus, with shock lands he gets us any color in our deck. Powerful.
Sylvan Caryatid: We're a four color deck, he's chromatic ramp with built in protection AND he's a defender? GET IN MY DECK.
Vent Sentinel
: Does for damage what Axebane Guardian does for mana. Who care's that he's off color? Our deck can handle it.
Wall of Denial: Defender, Flying, Shroud, AND 8 toughness for only 3 mana! Go ahead, read the card if you don't believe me.
Wall of Omens: Adds a Defender body to the board, replaces itself, and dodges Lightning Bolt while it's at it. It's a circus of value!
Assemble the Legion: Frequently out on turn 4. If the opponent struggles against enchantments, you win the game. A very powerful card, and worth splashing red for, especially since we already have Vent Sentinels putting us there anyway.
Assault Formation: Fresh out of Dragon's of Tarkir, Assault Formation was a direct message from Wizards of the Coast, that we're playing Magic: The Gathering the 'right' way. Drop this 2 mana enchantment down, or hit it off of Genesis Wave, and suddenly your impenetrable wall becomes an army of enormous beaters. 3 mana Flying, Shroud 8/8? GG, former friend.
Detention Sphere: A nice catch all answer that beats tokens, over-extension, and anything we want. Also tutorable in a pinch.
Worship: Replaced Ghostly Prison after extensive playtesting. There's many strategies that just can't beat an enchantment, and Sylvan Caryatid, or Wall of Denial make for a very tough game, even for those that can.
: Counters horrible threats, or protects our board. Can be tutored for, and if you do, your opponent is afraid to play their threats into it.
Sphinx's Revelation: Is a dumb magic card. It won standard, and is still impressive in modern too. This spell does everything we want it to, resetting our life totals and giving us more cards. Get tutor'd son.
Curse of the Swine
: Absolutely hilarious. That's a nice board you have there with things that I can't beat. Have some bacon to celebrate. Can even give us bacon if we've exhausted all other options.
Genesis Wave: On the same tier as Sphinx's Revelation. Often cast for X=10 or more, and puts so many things on the battlefield. Can't get in my deck fast enough!
: The alternate win condition for our deck. It comes in against control, or decks that I can't beat through damage such as soul sisters.
Dragon's Claw: It makes burn's strategy a lot harder. Sort of filler, but it's probably good enough for now at least
Elixir of Immortality: Wins games against any sort of mill, providing they don't get super lucky and hit them both. Also is a must if we bring in the other Sphinx's Revelations so we don't deck ourselves. Comes in against burn as well.
Gravity Well: Bring in against flyer heavy decks. Mostly filler.
Sphinx's Revelation: See description in main. Sometimes 2 just isn't enough. We don't want to clog up the main though. Comes in against control and most burn strategies.
Vent Sentinel
: Just in case we need more direct damage, we have these extras. Can come in against Walkers, Control, and slow durdley decks.
Wall of Denial: Good to bring in against removal heavy decks. He just sits on the board blocking EVERYTHING.