This is a Riku EDH deck that im currently working on. Where i want to go with this deck is make it one of my "You thought you were better because you beat me once." decks as everyone has met that player that beats your casual deck with their competitive one and instantly starts talking smack thinking they are good enough to go to Pro Tour's and such. With that said, this is going to be borderline competitive as the price limit for a card is $100 since that gives us goodies like Snapcaster Mage but not to the astronomical priced cards like Mana Crypt that i simply dont have access to. So keep that in mind when suggesting cards!
This card is absolutely insane in this deck. Worldly Tutor basically says win the game in 3 turns or less as just having this card means you can combo off-just as long as that blue player across from you doesnt counter it. 1st Search: This should almost always go to Eternal Witness since its vital to many combo's in this deck Cast E wit to allow you to recast Worldly Tutor 2nd Search: Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker Trigger kiki-jiki targeting E wit and recast the tutor 3rd Search: Pestermite / Deceiver Exarch When it enters untap kiki-jiki and combo off for infinite creatures with haste.

This process can be made much faster by using Sensei's Divining Top to draw the creature you just placed on top that turn.


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