O boi, I haven't written anything here in quite some time.
This deck hasn't been updated in awhile, largely because I haven't been playing magic for the last year and half or so due to the Ronapocalypse. Hell, this is probably the first time I've signed into my tappedout account since like... 2019. I've also been largely uninterested in grabbing new cards but that's a different story.
New Innistrad has peaked my interest though, even if it looks like it's mostly going to have good werewolves in it whilst I got nothing but madness shit last time around. I'm only mildly salty. I haven't seen anything particularly good for this deck yet other than Vampire Socialite, but even that's a hard maybe.
Regardless, I'm now on full on vampire watch. If anything vampire oriented comes out that seems decent, I'll be considering how to change this deck with those new releases, and I'm always open to suggestions. For starters, I'm already looking at what's here and considering what I would remove for new, hypothetical cards. The hand hate has always been a point of contention for me, for example. I've always been caught between spending a bunch to upgrade it to better hand hate options, or removing it entirely for more removal or something similar.
Really the entire reason I'm writing this is just to say that I'm back baby, and if you're remotely interested in this deck I'll possibly be updating this in the coming months (maybe along with my ninja edh deck once Kamigawa drops).