So I want to play lotleth troll. I also can only play this on cockatrice because I'm on quite a budget, but brewing is too fun. I've made some edits to the list but not the description yet.
So here's what I've got. Bloodghast and Gravecrawler just make the troll bigger. No real downside. It's awesome.
Scavenging Ooze. Let's talk about how good this is with Lotleth Troll or Tasigur, the Golden Fang. Gives me great value through the entire game. Mana sinks are cool. Stopping snap cater is cool. Stopping dredge.
Pack Rat is an alternate troll that's better vs Non G/B control. Bad against maelstrom pulse, good everywhere else.
Spellskite stops things like Path to Exile. I justify main boarding it because of glissa. It's also good against many, many decks. Twin, kind of burn, infect, affinity, scapeshift, control... I love it in modern, and if it's irrelevant I get to discard it to a troll or a rat.
Glissa, the Traitor I don't think I need to explain how good first strike and death touch are together. There are extremely few creatures in modern that actually have beneficial combat with her. She needs to be removed. By a Spell.
Tasigur, the Golden Fang I don't think he needs justification in modern any more. He's been played so well And proven himself in the format. He's my card advantage and a beat stick.
Abrupt Decay is Good. Really good.
Collected Company has 26 targets in here. All of them are worth getting into play. It's awesome.
Sword of Light and Shadow let me tell you how good protection from Path to Exile is on a regenerating creature like the troll. AND the synergy of getting stuff back from my graveyard to make the troll even bigger? Damnation or Wrath of God are the outs against this. Life gain is good against burn.
Lands exist
The sideboard needs work. I'm play with it once I've used the deck. The sword is for burn. Removal. Thoughtseize. additional rat's and spellskites for playing with the deck. Solutions for affinity.