The idea of this deck is to try to disturb your opponents play by stealing their cards (and cast them o eternalize them). Potentially doubling their effects by using Panharmonicon.
Card Selection:
Early Play:
Kitesail Freebooter: This is an early play that helps to disturb opponent's play, if it comes later in the game with a Panharmonicon in play, it can double its effect by removing or forcing to play its removal.
Filigree Familiar: Early play that helps gaining life (doubled if Panharmonicon in play. Early blocker and draw a card to accelerate your game.
Gifted Aetherborn: Early play that helps you to control the board and keep any menace at bay while we play the big boys.
The stealers:
Gonti, Lord of Luxury steals the best of the 4 top cards of opponents library (2x with Panharmonicon in play. With Baral's Expertise you can return it to your hand and recast it for free to repeat the process. It can also be blinked with Siren's Ruse.
Hostage Taker: steals the best opponents creature in play (2x with Panharmonicon in play. With Baral's Expertise you can return it to your hand and recast it for free to repeat the process. It can also be blinked with Siren's Ruse and draw a card. If your opponents have no enough creatures in play, you can even take a Gonti, Lord of Luxury as hostage and the recast it next turn.
The Scarab God
: Helps you bringing back your creatures that will be subjected to a lot of removals. It will also steal your opponents creatures from the graveyard.
liliana, death's majesty: Can help you bringing back your creatures to play for more ETB abilities :).
Other Creatures:
Noxious Gearhulk: Will help you to remove creatures that are not of any use for you. Also gain life.
Other Cards:
Endless Sands: You can use it to save your creatures from removal. Once you have enough, you can sacrifice it and put all creatures in play and more ETB effects. WIth Panharmonicon can be pretty damaging. If you have and additional Gonti, Lord of Luxury in hand you can exile the one in the battlefield and cast the one in your hand.
Field of Ruin: With everyone playing Enchantments/Lands. This helps you to deal with that.
Baral's Expertise: Use to bounce creature, you can target one of your creatures and recast-it for free for more hostage or card form opponents library.
Opt: Card advantage
Negate: Eliminates any threats that are not Creatures. I t also helps you with Vehicles.
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Any suggestions are appreciated.