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Commander / EDH Infinite Combo Mono-Red Primer Ramp Stax



This deck needs a reboot and can improve dramatically when I get a chance to edit it! Read at your leisure, but know it will be improved soon!


Hello fellow tappedouter, and welcome to I'm getting TRIGGERED EDH! (The name of course represents Godo's attacking triggers, but you'll understand later). Before we begin, understand that it is, by all means, NOT a super competitive deck, but it is quite fun to play, and can win from turn 2 and up, though unlikely, despite being a work in progress. However, that does not in any way competitive, but can certainly have its fair share of power at any magic table. While it can win early, it is very difficult to do it often, thus again, I would not consider it competitive in any way. (Wow fun in mono-red?! Who knew?!). If you like mono-red, stax, attacking, or any elements of this deck, or maybe you just wanna help out, I'd appreciate it if you upvote this deck, it means a lot and it's quite helpful! Also, feel free to check out some of my other decks, including...

  • Double Trouble EDH ⫸PRIMER⫷ (My top deck on the site!) An interesting take on voltron!, using cards and ideas you are unlikely to see in other decks, while still employing a easy turn 4 win WITH NO COMBOS!)
  • A Deal With the Devil EDH ⫸PRIMER⫷ (My second top deck! Mardu demons, winning with a single card- NOT your average Kaalia deck!)

and many more which you can find under my profile! I also have my entire magic inventory minus the commons and uncommons up on deckstats, so feel free to check out and see what I have there too! Anyways though, you're here to learn about the deck, not me, so without further ado, let's see how this deck works!!!


The deck wins by... a combo (what a surprise)! The combo involves the commander, (Godo, Bandit Warlord) and his trusty helm, Helm of the Host. (Godo, Bandit Warlord + Helm of the Host ) To perform the combo, you first cast Godo, allowing you to tutor for the helm. Attach the helm to Godo, and move to combat. This creates a token: attack with that token, and due to Godo's ability, begin a NEW combat step! Now since combat has begun again, helm's ability activates allowing you to create a new Godo! Attack with that Godo, and repeat forever and ever and ever... at least until all of your opponents are dead. This combo is quite efficient and reliable, as Godo himself is a tutor and you will always have Godo in the command zone when you start a game. The problem is, Godo costs a LOT, and on top of that, you need to be able to equip the helm. Even after you do this, you are going to need to be able to attack with Godo, which you can NOT do as soon as he enters due to summoning sickness. This deck is made to accommodate all these flaws within the combo while stalling your opponent out so you have time to do so. The question is, how exactly do we bypass those flaws enough to win? How can we stall the opponent? Well my friend, you have come to the right place, because ALL of those questions will be answered- all you have to do- is continue reading! So without further ado, let us continue!

Ramping (in red?!)

The obvious thing this deck needs a lot of is Ramp. Godo costs a ton, you need to equip the helm, and you obviously want to do this fast. Ramp is the straightforward answer to all of these, and so, the deck is loaded to the brim with ramp. This is mostly done through artifacts, since mono-red isn't exactly known for its skill in mana production. The majority of the ramp section are small things, yet small things add up, and believe it or not these worse ramp spells are fundamental towards building a faster game. Lotus Bloom is great if you can get it out early in the game. It can speed you up by a turn or even two or three, which are extremely helpful in most scenarios. Obviously, they aren't better in turns 4+, but that's still a great chance if you can manage to make it before that. Lotus Petal, Mox Amber, and the relatively new and overpowered Jeweled Lotus are also great 0-mana ramp spells, pushing us up a turn faster at no huge cost except for the fact that they take up a slot in the deck, and in the case of #3 putting us an entire 3 turns ahead. Simian Spirit Guide is also a SUPER underrated ramp card in mono-red, and unlike things like Lotus Petal can be used at instant speed, which is always a great thing to have. It is also hard to counter or stop from occurring, as you are removing it from your hand not casting it. Mind Stone and Commander's Sphere can also help us thin out the deck and get a hold of better cards, while also functioning as "ok" mana rocks. Thran Dynamo can help speed us up a lot as well, and while it only gives colorless, we only need a single to cast Godo, and thus colorless mana can be pretty sweet as well! Moving on to some of the better ramp cards, we have some of the popular mana rocks, Mana Vault, Mana Crypt, Arcane Signet, and of course Sol Ring, which can all speed up the process of getting Godo by a LOT at such small costs. Ruby Medallion and Urza's Incubator are rather cheap in mana and can also speed up the process by a turn or two by reducing costs, which is always taken greatfully, and for Ruby Medallion that can apply for other cards throughout the deck as well which is awesome. We then have cards like Seething Song, Geosurge, and Irencrag Feat, which, while temporary, can put us ahead by a LOT at times, where a turn 4 geosurge can automatically get us Godo. The rest of the ramp cards are also GREAT, though they apply to no specific category. We have Dockside Extortionist who is great in 4+ player games, and while conditional, almost always turns out for the better. We also have a Mana Flare, which can vary in power depending on the situation, is quite good, due to the second component of the deck (more on that later). Due to this, flares effect is usually not as powerful for my opponents as normal, and thus can work our usually fine. One of my favorites is Generator Servant, contributing two mana towards Godo and providing an important aspect of the deck I will mentioned later. We have Treasonous Ogre which is overpowered and can get us all the mana we need if we can get him out turn four or earlier, and can sometimes result in a win ON THE SPOT! The same almost goes for the last ramp card, Extraplanar Lens, which is amazingly helpful due to the number of basics this deck runs.


Speaking of lands, this deck isn't as crazy in terms of lands as some of my other decks are, as it is a mono colored deck. There is a Strip Mine and a Wasteland which fit into another category in this deck, and a Crystal Vein, Ancient Tomb, and Dwarven Ruins to hopefully bring us ahead a turn or two. These lands combined with the ramp above can usually get Godo out on the earlier side, believe it or not. Last but not least, there is a Hall of the Bandit Lord (which fits into another category yet again) and a Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx which can vary in power depending on the situation (obviously). Besides these, there are no other non-basics, that way cards that revolve around basics such as Extraplanar Lens can function properly. However, though this all is very important to the deck, there are other aspects that lay in the shadows that are JUST as important to the decks function as mana is. Enough said about Ramp, lets look into those!



So ramp is the obvious answer, but what is the unobvious one? Well, instead of making Godo come faster, how about we make our opponents act slower? Ramp isn't always going to work, and because this deck is quite slow, a section of it is dedicated to taking everyone else down to our speed! And the best way to do just that is S T A X. That's right- Mono-red stax!!! It exists and it's hella good, and right here we are going to go through some of the best ones in the deck! The best way to stax people out is of course to harm their lands and mana supply. Very few decks can function without a proper mana source, which is why the majority of the stax section harms opponents mana bases. The first way to do this, is to affect how many lands or what lands they can untap. War's Toll, Mana Web, Storage Matrix Static Orb, and Winter Orb are all great examples of this. Another way, is to increase the costs for cards. I tried to leave cards that increase the cost for Godo out since that would probably harm my gameplan more than others, and while this didn't leave me with too many options, I did include the following: Damping Sphere and Trinisphere. The remaining mana stax are some of the best, though there is no specific category they all fit into: Blood Moon, Blood Sun, Magus of the Moon, Price of Glory, and Ruination. The first three can completely turn off ALL decks that don't play red, and in this day in age where dominates the world of magic, this is pretty likely. The others work towards destroying lands, which work very well for me especially ruination, since I typically run a lot of basics. That about sums up the mana stax, but there are still many more non-mana related tax cards this deck includes!

  • Vandalblast ~ With all the ramp this deck has, overload is very likely. Busting everyone's mana rocks and artifacts can be a true lifesaver, and while overload, in general, is just an OP effect, I'd say vandalblast comes a close second to Cyclonic Rift.
  • Stranglehold ~ Tutors are some of the most important cards in peoples deck, and a person can easily win with an extra turn. This big boi turns both of those off, though he will likely be a target for everyone's hate.
  • Smoke ~ Token decks, aggro decks, mana dorks, you name it. They all get turned off. This card can be a true lifesaver in many occasions, and its a very important stax card to play, especially in red.
  • Damping Matrix ~ On EDHREC, Artifact decks are the MOST POPULAR by thousands of decks. It felt fair to run this card, even if you aren't facing an artifact deck.
  • Pithing Needle ~ Literally can turn off someone's commander without killing it- or even an important combo-piece or something similar. This card could easily save the whole table.
  • Deflecting Swat ~ The magic version of UNO REVERSE. Not only is it a fun card to play, but the art is dope. Swing a counterspell back, remove someone else's thing, you name it. -Crawlspace ~ Encourages people to take down each other before you, hopefully leaving you to your own devices where you can spring the combo out of nowhere
  • Glacial Chasm ~ Not exactly stax, rather more pillow fort-like. If you can stay alive long enough for the combo to work, this guy is gonna help you do just that.

That said, we have finished the two most important categories of the deck! However, don't stop now- while we have finished the key components, there are many other important aspects of the deck I haven't even mentioned! Read on to find out what exactly those components are!

Recursion (back from the grave)

Again, while Ramp and Stax make up the most of the deck, there a multitude of sub-categories and cards that aid winning and make the process getting there much smoother. Lets start off with recognizing an important part of the deck: the combo. Godo can always come back, but what about the helm? What happens to the gameplan if the helm is gone? Well at the moment I am trying to add more combos to the deck that it can rely on, but in the meantime, the deck does indeed have a couple of tricks up its sleeve. The first and most obvious one is the recursion! If the helm is destroyed, we simply try our best to bring it back: Buried Ruin, Goblin Welder, Welding Jar, and Trash for Treasure. Buried Ruin is probably the best out of the four, as it is the least conditional and can easily be relied on, as very few cards can counter the activated ability of a land, while it also provides a source of mana that does not come in tapped or anything as such. Goblin Welder and Trash for Treasure may seem worse at a glance, but in fact, there a couple things you should keep in mind for them. #1, there will almost always be something we can easily target: a tax artifact, mana rock, you name it. This deck is filled with artifacts that we can sac easily, that aren't necessary to the gameplan. #2, buried ruin brings the artifact to your hand, but the goblin and trash both bring it back, on the battlefield, leaving us with possibly enough mana to re-equip and swing out with the combo. Last but not least, we have Welding Jar, which also isn't actually that bad. While it only can regenerate the artifact, it comes at no mana cost to us, letting us do a variety of other things including possibly re-equipping the helm. This baby can be super fun too if you have a Vedalken Orrery out as well, coming completely unexpected even if you're tapped out.


Another way to aid the gameplan is to speed the process of the combo itself up. Once the helm is out, it's quite risky to go an entire turn cycle with both combo pieces just sitting out there. People might know what's coming, and even if they don't understand the full extent they may indeed understand the danger the synergy poses. Thus, it would be great if we can cast and win with the combo at the same time, in the same turn! A great way to do this is by giving Godo haste. However, you won't typically have extra mana leftover after Godo is cast. He costs 6 whopping mana, and you typically won't have the 1-2 mana remaining to cast a haste spell. Thus we have some things that can exist BEFORE he is cast that have the same effect. Ashling's Prerogative, Fervor, Hammer of Purphoros, Lightning Greaves, Mass Hysteria, Hall of the Bandit Lord, Generator Servant, and Need for Speed are all great ways of doing this! They will be put on the battlefield any time BEFORE godo is cast, that way when he does come out, you should be able to swing if you can equip the helm. This, of course, is a major problem with the combo and the haste, as even if you are able to give Godo haste, you still need to equip the flipping helm. In these times, you should hope to have a lot of mana left over, or in fact use the next couple of ways to get around it. Hammer of Nazahn, Magnetic Theft, and Brass Squire can all accomplish this quite efficiently! Basically then, you want to ramp, cast codo, and hopefully equip the helm that turn based on mana or one of the cards previously mentioned. Then, you'd give him haste and attack. If you don't have enough mana to equip the helm as soon as Godo is out, you can always wait until the next turn although that maybe again, risky. To top all of that off as well, there is Panharmonicon, which can allow you to do virtually everything except give him haste! Simply use the first trigger to get Hammer of Nazahn, and then the second to get the helm.

Other within Other

So let's say you can only do it on the next turn. Or maybe you can cast godo, equip, and attack the turn after. What if, you don't need to make it all work that turn? What if you could have ANOTHER turn? Final Fortune and Last Chance are great cards and can both aid you in that regard as well. One of the final ways to aid the combo is to of course make it so no one sees it coming! Vedalken Orrery solves that problem for you (and works similarly to how it does in my deck, deck:A Deal With the Devil EDH ⫸PRIMER⫷, so go check that out!)! There are also some card draw cards to help you find some of the cards mentioned or some answers, including Cathartic Reunion, Thrill of Possibility, Tormenting Voice, etc. Now the last couple cards are some of the best ways to aid the combo: 1. is to replace one of the cards completely. Combat Celebrant functions the same as Godo, except it doesn't tutor for the helm, so if something goes wrong with Godo we always have combat celebrant as a backup. I also have a Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame combo, giving us something to rely on besides the main combo. Twinflame also can function well by itself, allowing us to cast a second Godo and get a second trigger, allowing us to search for something else that could aid us. Then of course there is Gamble! While mono-red isn't great for tutoring, Gamble is a great card, and if you search for a Treasonous Ogre, Jeweled Lotus, or something similar, you can usually cast godo on the spot!!! So that is certainly great!

Wrapping it up

Well that about sums up the deck! I have just made this recently and so it is still flawed in many ways, and as this is my FIRST red deck, I would appreciate ANY suggestions greatly! With all the combos and synergies this deck can win anywhere from turn 2 and beyond, and it is a more formidable foe than many would typically think. While you're here, feel free to check out some of my other popular decks, namely...

I would appreciate any support and upvotes, especially comments, it helps significantly and means a lot to me! If you have read this far also feel free to pop that down in the comments and I'll drop by and give some of your decks an upvote as well! Seriously, any suggestions and support would be appreciated, and if anyone likes I'd love to give help as well so don't hesitate to ask! Anyways though, that sums up the deck! So thanks for reading, have a great day, and happy tapping my friends!

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Revision 15 See all

(3 years ago)

-1 Gauntlet of Power main
+1 Jeska's Will main
-1 Lotus Bloom main
+1 Port Razer main
Top Ranked
Date added 4 years
Last updated 2 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

37 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.54
Tokens Copy Clone, Enchantment Golem 3/3 C, Treasure
Folders My Primers, or To-Be Primers, Awesome EDH, Tapped Out - User Decks
Ignored suggestions
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