It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains.
The Brain Eaters
Butcher Ghoul
- Butcher Ghoul is fantastic as a blocker, sacrificial target, and even an attacker.
Diregraf Captain
- Diregraf is a great target for Havengul Lich and if I have one or more on the board, my once harmless zombies become mindless killers.
Gravecrawler - Gravecrawler is my key card. I will most likely mulligan every time I don't see a Gravecrawler in my starting hand. He puts pressure on my opponents in early game and I can also use him as a repeatable sacrificial target.
Highborn Ghoul
- While I might consider this to be a sideboard, I like to main-board him, as if my opponent doesn't run black creatures, he is f*cked. Especially once my diregraf comes out.
Unbreathing Horde - When all esle fails, mob mentality rushes over the undead... literally. I love this guy. If I can give him flying, he is the ultimate chump blocker. Resistant to all forms of destruction (except, you know, kill and -1/-1 spells).
The Pestilent Tactitians
Grimgrin, The Corpse-born - A perfected form of cruelty and control. I can easily pull 4-5 counters a turn midgame with gravecrawler sacrificing.
Havengul Lich - Mainly targets Diregraf Captain for some utterly powerful attacks. But can offectively make any of my creatures in my graveyard a commander. :)
The Spell Blight
Appetite for Brains
- Though it is perfectly fitting flavor-wise, it is also a powerful card in the deck. Deals with Restoration Angels, Angel of Serenity, and other annoying 4+ drops.
Bone Splinters
- Works fantastically with Diregraf Captain and Gravecrawler, or Butcher Ghoul, or Undying Evil.
Thought Scour - Here for the card draw and potential screwing up of early game.
Tragic Slip - Considering the rate at which my creatures die, Tragic Slip becomes an instant speed destroy anything for 1.
Undying Evil - Helps set back the costs of sacrificing and just screws up kill spells.
Comments and Help appreciated.