

Creature (4)

The combo's engine is Elite Arcanist + Triton Tactics + any creature that taps to add mana. The mana adder taps, adding 1 mana to your mana pool. This mana is used to activate Elite Arcanist 's ability and cast Triton Tactics, untapping both the mana adder and the Elite Arcanist . After that rinse and repeat. This casts infinite spells and generated infinite toughness for the 2 targets.-When used with Zhur-Taa Druid or Guttersnipe you deal infinite damage to each opponent.-With Predator's Rapport you gain infinite life-With Blistercoil Weird you have infinite power and toughness

Ideally it can win turn four:

Turn 1: Temple of Mystery

Turn 2: red land and cast Zhur-Taa Druid

Turn 3: land and cast Elite Arcanist exiling Triton Tactics

Turn 4: save mana for protection, and combo win

The deck is pretty much a mess without the combo, so I was hoping for suggestions to make it playable when I don't get the combo pieces.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

24 - 2 Rares

13 - 5 Uncommons

9 - 5 Commons

Cards 55
Avg. CMC 1.91
Tokens Bird 2/2 U
Folders Standard
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