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Infinite Possibilities (Revised Version)

Standard UBRG



Creature (4)

Artifact (1)

Unknown (2)

  • 2x Drown in Sorrows

It is important to note that this is a combo deck.Here's how it works.

  1. Get Possibility Storm into play.

  2. Cast Thoughtseize or Demonic Tutor

  3. Possibility Storm triggers and the next sorcery on the top of the deck is played. If this is Thoughtseize, cry. If this is Diabolic Tutor, search for Thoughtseize or Diabolic Tutor and go to step 2. If this is Enter the Infinite, continue.

  4. Resolve Enter the Infinite, drawing entire library and putting Borborygmos Enraged on the top.

  5. Play Omenspeaker . Possibility Storm triggers, finding Borborygmos Enraged.

  6. Discard all lands in hand (this should be a lot).

  7. Win.

Alternatively, if there is not enough land in play to cast Omenspeaker after Enter the Infinite, Izzet Staticaster can be cast next upkeep before Borborygmos Enraged is drawn.

Drown in Sorrows is sided in against aggressive decks.

Fated Conflagration , while heavy in red, kills Planeswalkers and high-toughness creatures (such as Stormbreath Dragon). It's something I'm considering against Monsters decks, which this really struggles against...

Blast of Genius and Worldspine Wurm come in against decks which can interrupt the combo, and instead of going infinite we attempt to cheat in a Wurm off of Omenspeaker , or Blast of Genius for lots of damage.

AEtherling comes in against control.

The deck used to run a second Borborygmos Enraged to deal with Mill strategies and Thoughtseize better, but this was replaced with Fated Return from Born of the Gods

Wear / Tear destroys Pithing Needle (which can name both Jace and Borby) and (with Lanterns down), Detention Sphere, which can take my precious Possibility Storm away, so this is another card I'm considering sideboarding.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 3 Mythic Rares

17 - 4 Rares

15 - 3 Uncommons

8 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.22
Tokens Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
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