Mono-Red Devil Aggro/Burn
A Mono-Red Devil theme deck centered around devils incinerating everything in their path.
-drop creatures:
4x Vexing Devil, one of the most powerful -drops in the game. This card embodies the core essence of what my deck is about. Devils love to see everything go up in flames.
1x Forge Devil can deal with all the countless X/1 utility creatures, or potentially finish off creatures post-combat phase. Can also act as a -mana Morbid enabler by killing itself and a 1/1 chump blocker for just 1 life. Just make sure not to break it out on turn 1 as it will kill itself if it doesn't have a target to burn.
-drop creatures:
4x Gibbering Fiend for that extra burn damage when they come into play. Delirium should become a factor ASAP as I keep discarding cards with Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded, Faithless Looting and Sin Prodder.
-drop creatures:
4x Sin Prodder, not only does it have Menace , its ability will always either burn my opponent for at least 1 damage (unless it's a land) or allow me to cycle through my deck a lot faster (by drawing 2 cards every turn) so I don't get mana flooded. This ability is only at a disadvantage if it lands on a Lightning Bolt, Vexing Devil or Devil's Play, but in either case I'll be going through my deck quickly enough that I'm bound to come across more of them anyway.
Together with Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded's +1 ability and Faithless Looting they allow me to cycle through my deck incredibly fast which is perfect for the type of strategy I'm going for.
-drop creatures:
1x Hellrider so I can keep pressuring my opponent with creatures like Forge Devil, Flayer of the Hatebound, Impetuous Devils, Dance with Devils tokens, ...
Should they get killed in combat, I have the opportunity to use Brimstone Volley for 5 damage if I have one in my hand.
1x Impetuous Devils, this is pretty much a burn spell in creature form that is devastating on the battlefield, with the potential to deal damage to my opponent because of Trample . You can choose target creature that blocks it. Meaning it has high versatility. You can use it to get rid of their stronger creatures, or creature with flying or some other key ability. Or you can make it fight your opponent's weakest creature so it'll deal more damage to the face if they don't choose to multi-block it. Fantastic card.
-drop(+) creatures:
1x Flayer of the Hatebound has great synergy with Fling and Hellrider because of its Undying ability.
1x Charmbreaker Devils is amazing in a burn deck. Since I'll be running 18 instants/sorceries it doesn't really matter which one I'll retrieve at random from the graveyard. My opponent will have to deal with the burn either way.
The +4/+0 is just overkill at this point (especially when paired with Fling.)
(Flavor note: I like how its ability returns a card at random. It meshes well with Tibalt's +1 which discards a card at random as well. From an entirely thematic point of view it accentuates the chaos and disorder that this deck embodies.)
1x Bedlam Reveler is another great card that benefits from having a ton of instants/sorceries. If I play this card when it's the only one remaining in my hand I basically get 3 draws. Its Prowess ability is the cherry on this card's cake.
These cards will essentially act as my bombs if the game ends up lasting longer than expected.
Instants & Sorceries
I can either choose damage to the face or remove my opponent's creatures so my devils can attack.
4x Lightning Bolt, I don't think I need to explain this one. An iconic staple of Mono-Red M:tG.
2x Pillar of Flame, the reason I picked this card over, say, Shock or Magma Spray, is because it's a sorcery card and I'm already running enough instant cards. Ideally I want to have 4 card types in my graveyard ASAP so I can activate Gibbering Fiend's Delirium ability whenever I'm able.
Running a few more sorceries instead of piling up on instants will increase my odds, however slightly, of doing just that.
The "exile it instead" effect is also handy should I ever need it.
So why Pillar of Flame instead of a better sorcery like Lava Spike? Basically, I want to keep the deck thematically bound. So I tend to gravitate towards cards that are either part of, or compatible with, cards from the Innistrad plane blocks. So unless Chain Lightning will finally get a Modern-legal reprint some day, Pillar of Flame it is!
2x Devil's Play is a great card in any stage of a match. Its Flashback ability can be really useful for dealing in that last point of damage to claim victory.
3x Faithless Looting comes in handy in case I need some card filtering. Burn/aggro decks are noted for their speed and efficiency. Faithless Looting allows for better card quality by getting rid of cards I don't need in any given situation, like redundant mana or a -drop on turn 2. Or even allows me to get the following two cards off the top of my deck if they're not the ones I need at the moment.
Together with Sin Prodder's ability and Tibalt's +1, this allows for insanely quick plays, going through your library so fast you'd think you were playing Blue. Not to mention it has Flashback .
2x Searing Spear is basically a Lightning Bolt for . Can't go wrong with that.
(Flavor note: I like to imagine that it was one of my Devil creatures that launched that spear while terrorizing Innistrad.)
1x Fling has excellent synergy with a bunch of cards. Flayer of the Hatebound, Charmbreaker Devils, Bedlam Reveler, Impetuous Devils, any of my Devil tokens, ...
2x Brimstone Volley, an amazing card when cast for its Morbid effect. Fits the aggressive playstyle of this deck perfectly. Keep attacking until they're forced to block and kill any of my creatures. Then get hit in the face for 5 damage. Absolutely brutal.
1x Malevolent Whispers is really helpful mid- to late game. Its Madness mechanic is a nice thing to have just in case it gets discarded by Tibalt's +1 or Faithless Looting.
1x Dance with Devils can provide two 1/1 blockers that burn for 1 when they get killed at Instant speed. Best case scenario, I get to attack with both of these tokens when Hellrider's on the battlefield.
3x Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded because of course I had to include the Devil Planeswalker himself.
Makes him low-cost and I plan on using his -4 ability ASAP (ideally after 2 turns) for some more burn damage. Putting him in the graveyard will also help towards reaching 4 card types for Gibbering Fiend's Delirium ability.
Tibalt could be regarded as an artificial life gainer. Not posing an immediate threat off the bat, but something my opponent will need to deal with over time before I pull off his -4 or -6. In most cases, he'll end up tanking a few hits instead of me taking the damage to the face. Totally worth the in my opinion.
Like I mentioned before, Tibalt's +1 ability paired with Sin Prodder's ability and Faithless Looting allows me to cycle through my library insanely fast. Allowing me to get to my spells faster and weeding out any redundant lands since this deck needs a very small amount lands to be able to work efficiently.
4x Pithing Needle is great at what it does. One of the best Sideboard cards to have in any format.
4x Obelisk of Urd, since Red doesn't have enchantment removal, this deck is always one Leyline of Sanctity away from falling flat on its face. Luckily, I will still have the devils at my disposal, while using burn spells to act as removal. Obelisk of Urd is perfect in that sense. Pumping my creatures with enough power so I can still deal out the damage in the end.
4x Tormod's Crypt is great at Graveyard Hate. I would run Grafdigger's Cage instead, but that wouldn't be able to deal with Delve decks or Tarmogoyf, among others.
3x Shattering Spree, as much as I like the idea of having Torch Fiend in my Sideboard since it's a Devil creature. It just can't beat the convenience and utter efficiency of Shattering Spree.
(Flavor note: just imagine the artifacts are being destroyed by Charmbreaker Devils
Closing Note
This deck has a ton of neat little synergies that I think make it worthwhile and fun to play with. It's easy to pick up while at the same time requiring a certain aptitude for strategy.
Also note that this deck is shown as how it would be in its ideal state. Obviously, having 3x Cavern of Souls in this deck will turn out to be extremely expensive, so players can substitute/drop any of the costlier cards at their own discretion.
If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to go through my deck! Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions for this deck feel free to contribute!
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