The structure is basically built around Mercurial Geists. Thing in the Ice
is obviously also a threat to the opponent but act more as a decoy for the Geist.
I would really appreciate if you guys can come up with better instants and sorceries better suited for this deck!
Mercurial Geists: This spell is crazy! Can easily attack for 10+ damage
Thing in the Ice
: Is a solid defender until it is turned and it becomes a nightmare for the opponent. Fatal push is its nemesis.
Crush of Tentacles: I'm not in love with this card, but its in the deck for the surprise
Invigorated Rampage: Good night opponent
Borrowed Hostility: Cheap and effective amplifier
Slip Through Space: Card draw and makes a clera path to get to the kill. Sorceryspeed is a bit lame though, but the card draw is a necessity.
Right now i don't see any cards more suited for its task then these, feel free to question and make sudgestions
Galvanic Bombardment: Solid card that often do more than 2 damage
Magma Spray: Solid removal, especially against Zoombies and Scrapheap
Depending on the competition i might want to include Shock in favor for Magma.
Censor: Early counter that prevent aggrodecks from running us over.
Essence Scatter: Better than censor for creauture based opponents
Disallow: Counter to prevent midgame-Lategame aggressions.
Negate: To protect my wincons
I'm not overly confident that the counters are the best suited nor right in numbers. Inputs?