
This deck might seem familiar to you and that is because it is the exact core of the mono-black devotion deck that is running around destroying and wrecking every tournament someone decides to pilot it. My main issue with the mono-black devotion deck was that it wasn't capable of dealing with enchantments which would often times lead to defeats by the hands of Assemble the Legion or even Primeval Bounty that someone escaped being seized (Usually a rip off the top).

Due to this the inclusion of green has always been what I felt to be the best color to pair for this type of deck due to it playing a game of attrition which would allow for it to deal with the mirror match and even other match-ups by giving access to a more diverse sideboard. The inclusion of blue came from my love of Progenitor Mimic and Clone which allows for interesting plays especially with how the meta-game is and will probably remain for quite some time (Stealing an opposing Gray Merchant of Asphodel, Master of Waves, Shadowborn Demon, etc.).

Mainboard:Gray Mechant of Asphodel - The main win condition of the deck. Play him and play him again is the point of this deck since there are essentially 8 copies of this card in the deck.

Nightveil Specter - An amazing 3 drop that can literally steal games away. Many a times have I been able to just win by controlling the field via removal and just using their cards.

Reaper of the Wilds - A replacement for Desecration Demon. The ability is always relevant and it is just a big stop sign that people often times cannot get around especially with mana untapped.

Clone - An extra copy of Greg essentially, but can often times be whatever creature it needs to be. It is mostly a Greg. Always a Greg. Greg.

Progenitor Mimic - A secondary win condition of the deck. Multiple copies of anything can shut down any game especially that late into the game. I have won games by just stealing Elvish Mystic and just swining in with 3 of the little guys.

Abrupt Decay - Hits everything Golgari Charm would hit barring a few things, one namely being Soldier of the Pantheon, and still functions as a true removal spell.

Far / Away - I personally feel as if it is one of the best removal spells in the game, if not, the best. It functions as a tempo play and hits everything in the format for free, barring a Mutavault as tribute. It cost 5 to get the most use of the card so running a high amount Mainboard is just asking to die to aggro.

Devour Flesh - Cheap removal that hits hex-proof and protection creatures.

Hero's Downfall - Hits everything at instant speed for the most part and is just a great card to have Mainboard if it is in your colors to do so. Easy to board out and I am never sad to draw one.

Whip of Erebos - There for the Greg shenanigans mainly. Greg.

Vraska the Unseen - Counters other walkers, destroys everything, can win games. This is another win condition that comes in against mono-black since they usually board out a majority of their Hero's Downfall for Dark Betrayal.

Heading to class so I will finish it up later.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 1 Mythic Rares

31 - 3 Rares

10 - 6 Uncommons

8 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.62
Tokens Assassin 1/1 B w/ Player Killer, Copy Clone
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