Have you ever hated how people sideboard just to target certain cards in your deck that rule? Well I aim to screw with that whole idea.
The purpose of this deck is a solid gruul devotion deck for round one, then switch to dragons for round two. Round three could see a combimation of both or whatever works. This is still in construction stage and with born of the gods releasing soon, it will likely see changes then.
Suggestions are not only welcome, THEY ARE APPRECIATED! However, please remember this is standard. And as always, +1's are good if you like it.
Elvish Mystic Solid one drop mana dork. While no Birds of Paradise, this little guy helps ramp.
Burning-Tree Emissary I love free creatures. Especially a 2/2 with an awesome good devotion bonus for this deck. Chaining into a more BTE's is always fun as well.
Sylvan Caryatid Hexproof mana fixing wall... nuff said
Kalonian Hydra What's not to love?!?! A 4/4 trample that keeps growing the first turn you attack? Oh and the hydra's love him too.
Stormbreath Dragon Hastey solid flier that has a hate on for white. Keep on rockin' me baby. Oh and monstrous aint bad either.
Domri Rade The guy this deck is built around. Give's you cards, likes starting fights and if you hit his ultimate, you win YAY!
Xenagos, the Reveler He helps with several aspects. I like mana for free, and as with BTE I love free creatures but these have with haste. His ultimate is harder to use with hydra's but the dragons think it's great.
Nylea, God of the Hunt Makes everyone trample and that makes me happy. Also hard to remove and she is frequently a creature. for 4 cmc. Gooood.
Mizzium Mortars Kills Barons and wipes boards, awesome!
Clan Defiance A good ol' 3 for one. It reminds me of fireball, but better. With all the mana ramp it can win a game by itself.
Reverent Hunter I can frequently put this guy out on turn two as a 4/4, but even mid/late game can easily come out as a 7/7+
Ghor-Clan Rampager He has won me more games that I like to admit. His bloodrush it the main reason why but can be a good trampler in a pinch.
Mistcutter Hydra Haste, pro blue and can't counter me. Take that to the face!
Savageborn Hydra Who doesn't like double strike and he pumps when I have spare mana.
Ogre Battledriver A very under rated card IMO. He gives everyone haste and +2/0 when they come out. He can even make Xenagos's satyrs a real threat when they come out for free.. seems good to me.
Dragon Hatchling Flying inflatable fun for two mana. Not bad
Dragon Egg Chump blocker that gives me a 2/2 flyer who gets meaner, which is good.
Scourge of Valkas He eats my eggs, gets along with storm breath and then poops out a bunch of damage. Sweeet.
Utvara Hellkite Just a big, beefy jerk that keeps calling his friends over to beat your face.
Ruric Thar, the Unbowed Hates control, vigilance and reach is nice too but he's always sooo angry...