This deck is based on an old Keranos deck I had built in Theros. It's aggro with a splash of control. The key to running this deck is the cheap one mana spells that trigger surge. Speaking of, I think that surge is an interesting mechanic that I hope will make a larger impact in future sets.
Elusive Spellfist
Zurgo Bellstriker
are your primary pushers for this deck.
Monastery Swiftspear is your early burst.
Abbot of Keral Keep
is a great way to draw into your favor, or not if lady luck is hating you at the moment.
Stormchaser Mage is undoubtedly your primary win-con. He has evasion and prowess for the small cost of . He is your nuke, treat him as such.
Jori En, Ruin Diver is your draw, and draw you shall. Given the low cost of all your spells, as long as this card is on the field even top-decking can turn advantageous. How? Top deck into an
, cast it. Draw a card, more than likely you can play the second card. Draw second card.
For control I chose Overwhelming Denial not only because of it's surge cost, but it's also a very firm way to tell someone "NO." -Sideboarded for increased threat with Temur Battle Rage. --2/3/2016
Gift of Tusks
has to be my favorite blue spell out of Gatewatch. It's a great way to displace any large or annoying creatures for the turn and it's an amazing surge trigger.
After speaking with my friends pretty much all of them agreed that Day's Undoing would be a great card to add. Running two at the moment. --1/19/16
Day's Undoing is a great card but sorcery speed and ending my turn has actually hurt me in a few play-tests. After speaking with Neko069 Dig Through Time was added and has made significant splashes. I was able to play it on turn four with ease! Officially added. --1/20/16
Added Slip Through Space to help punch through creatures and more draw power. --1/25/16
The ideal hand in order to pull off a turn 3 win is:
Shivan Reef
Monastery Swiftspear
Monastery Swiftspear
Temur Battle Rage
/Slip Through Space (You need either of these to cantrip into a land)
Titan's Strength
In order for the T3-KO to work you NEED to pull into a Mountain/Shivan Reef on either T2 or T3. That's it. Provided they don't have any blockers on the field, that's game folks!
Given the nature of this deck, I feel that my sideboard should consist of as much control as possible as a means of dealing with other control or burn decks.... ok, maybe not so much burn decks in standard lol.
I hope you all enjoy my deck based off the upcoming Oath of the Gatewatch expansion. If you like give a +1 or if you have any questions or comments please feel free to ask below. Have a fantastic day!