I made a few edits to the deck upon the release of m14. The largest of which is have young pyromancer as the third threat as opposed to burning vengeance or delver. I also cut the two feeling of dreads for one more mountain and a shock. Young pyromancer performed very well it is not as good as nivix or guttersnipe. He performs well on both defense and offense. The shock came in handy as a 5th pillar and the extra land was also a good decision since I only mulligan two hands and didn't lose any games due to being mana screwed or flooded.
Match 1: I play a WB humans deck that was using a lot of the apostles to sac and trigger the new necormancer. I won 2-0 after the matches I talked to the guy for a bit and this was a brand new deck that he was testing and I feel that it wasn't as good as it could be.
Match 2: I went up against a BR vampire deck, the final results was a 1-2 lost. I won game one with a turn 4, which was the idea behind the deck but only creature I saw was a blood artist, so for game 2 I wasn't sure what to sideboard in or out. The next game he tragic slip all 3 threats that I put down and he overwhelmed me. I should have sideboards in the harvest pyres to deal with the the threats that I could pillar such as Olivia and bloodline keeper. In game 3 I lost in part because I could not deal with his bloodline keeper and I also forgot that mutivaults are every creature type allowing him to flip his keeper and win the game.
Match 3: I play BGU zombies I won 2-1 not much to say here once I realized that it was a zombie deck I just stood burn out their threats which pillar is amazing at in this match up
match 4: UW control, this was the most interesting match up, it was a 1-1-1 tie due to running out of time. Game one I won by being able to win by being able to getting through enough damage via guttersnipe and pillars. I boarded in the harvest pyres for game two to deal with there larger threats however I made the mistake of not bring in the dispels and I ended up losing do to numerous revelations. For game three I remedied this mistake and brought in the dispels and between that and izzet charms I was able get my threats to resolve and stay on the board for few turns. When ran out of time there was neither of us were ahead the board was clean on both sides and we were both low on health. These were some of the best games I played all night I wish we could have played out the rest of the match.
I never lost a game one which says to me that the main is pretty good were it is. So, I am going to focus on the sideboard for my next fnm and I think that I should run possibility storms for control match up