As it says on the title, this deck is all about putting counters on stuff. More specifically, putting charge counters on artifacts. Even more specifically, playing cards like Energy Chamber and Surge Node early on, then blowing them up with Dismantle so you can:
As you can see, there are quite a few ways to get nasty with this deck. I've seen plenty of builds that make use of Dismantle and Surge Node out there, but most of them rely on Darksteel Reactor to get anywhere (which kinda pisses me off), so I decided to put together all the other ways to use charge counters into a single, cohesive, not-too-competitive-but-fun-as-heck package.
BTW, I'm (still) kinda low on cash right now, which explains why you won't see stuff like Chalice of the Void in here. This is pretty much not a budget deck anymore, and I'll keep adding better cards to it as time goes by, but it's not my top priority ATM. Suggestions are still welcome, though!
Etched Champion: Other names include "Etched MVP", "Etched Win Con" and "that little prick every affinity deck runs a fucking playset of". Protection from all colors is no joke, and getting it to trigger is a piece of cake. Holds off enemy attackers until Dismantle and Surge Node come up, and when they do... evil grin
Titan Forge: my win con #2, and the one that's the most fun. Got Dismantle + Surge Node + Titan Forge
on your opening hand? Enjoy your 9/9 Golem on turn 4. (don't count too much on this happening, just be happy if it ever does)
Surge Node: it's six - SIX - charge counters for a measly 1 mana. Like Titan Forge, this tends to be overlooked because of its slow as balls activated ability, but with Dismantle, this effectively reads "2R, sacrifice this permanent: add six +1/+1 counters or charge counters to target artifact".
Shrine of Burning Rage: just swapped Eternity Vessel for this and haven't tested it much since, so I'm not sure how useful it can be. It sounds pretty good on theory, at least.
Energy Chamber: I call this my "counter-productive" card because I'm dumb. Can provide a steady source of +1/+1s for my creatures, and helps me hold my ground until I topdeck a Dismantle. Speaking of which...
Dismantle: I mean... do I still have to explain why this is so good? I keep forgetting it's a goddamn sorcery and not an instant, but other than that, nothing but love for this little beauty.
THE EMERGENCY KIT (aka the sideboard)
Sun Droplet: for those pesky burn spells out there. Potentially turns every Lightning Bolt to your face into a Golem to your ranks.
Override: is your opponent playing midrange? They better have a whole bunch of untapped lands when they play their fatties, then.
Galvanic Blast: it's a one-drop and hits for 4 most of the time. Doesn't get much better than that.
Elixir of Immortality: just in case someone wants to mill my ass. Plus, lifegain.
Darksteel Reactor: as I said before, I'm not the greatest fan of this card. I'm sideboarding it just because not having it anywhere would make me feel kinda stupid, but I may end up replacing it with an extra Override pretty soon.
Solarion: looks great in theory, but in practice it's embarassingly easy to get rid of. Besides, I kinda hate Sunburst. Not worth using unless I build the entire deck around it, which I don't feel like doing anytime soon.
Mycosynth Golem: it's amazing how quickly I can get this dude out. Clears the way for Solarion and... only Solarion, really. Which is why it's not on the main list anymore.
Clockspinning: was on the deck originally, but Energy Chamber made it kinda redundant, so I pulled it out.
Everflowing Chalice: cheap mana source that gets better as turns go by, thanks to Energy Chamber. Also makes for good Shrapnel Blast fodder. Taken out due to lack of space, but may return if the more expensive stuff (Mycosynth Golem, Solarion) makes it in.
Chalice of the Void: a 2-drop that counters my opponent's every 1-drop? Yes, please! A shame it doesn't, uh, 'synergize' well with my budget restrictions.
Lightning Greaves: haste, shroud, equips for free. 'Nuff said.
And that's it, I guess. This is a work in progress, so suggestions are welcome!