My take on the Izzet Wizards deck that everyone is playing.
Game 1, I want a balance of counters to burn to wizards. Fairly straightforward, try to drop Ghitu into Viashino and play Adeliz when you have counters up. Prioritize countering Sweepers > Spot Removal > Stompy Threats.
Admiral's Order is entirely here to stop combat shenanigans and to protect your board for post-combat main phase creatures to drop safely. Ral is more likely to stick if you hold up the Blue Mana for a 2nd main Order to protect him.
When you're not holding up mana for counters, don't be shy with the burn. Either clear a path for your ground wizards or throw the burn to the face if you have Adeliz out.
Risk factor is here for game 1 only, it's the priority swap card for game 2 and 3. If your opponent is playing a lot of spot removal/burn, side in the Siren and 2 other copies of Admiral's Order.
For counter wars side in Retort and Ionize. Do the same for green stumpy, do not let them play their big threats. We can't answer them when they land. Burn the dorks if you see them. Niv is able to help you in that matchup but it'll be an uphill battle. Race with flyers.
The 2 copies of Field of Ruin are here for Search For Azcanta and if you see any other threatening non-basics.
I play a more grind-y control style in games 2 and 3. Feel out the opponent. Be prepared to defend your creatures from control. Assassin's trophy should only be countered if it targets Adeliz, Niv or Ral. We'll trade Ghitu and Viashino for a basic 90% of the time.
I'm debating on siding in Fiery Cannonade or Star of Extinction for the token or stumpy matchups.
Tokens we can race against and fly over in game 2. But big green is the hardest matchup if the creatures land.