Meet Jace, Mind Trickster who will trick your opponent on many levels.
This is not a typical Turbo Mill deck, as you can see first diffrence is in colors. I switched for for four reasons:
Green fogs can be expensive and hard to find Tangle or Moment's Peace and I like to keep my decks as cheap as possible
Green fogs don't cycle like Angelsong and this can help you with the mill plan when you have some Jace's Erasuer on board
Ethereal Haze can make a little combo but I'll write about this in a minute
Guardian of the Guildpact
So where are those mind tricks?
1. Mill
This is our main strategy. We need as many Jace's Erasure on board as we can cast so for this we have Muddle the Mixture - an okay counterspell/great tutor.
And as soon as we will have Jace's Erasure you will start to mill your opponent with your draw for the turn and also with spells like Brainstorm, Accumulated Knowledge, Arcane Denial or even with our cycling lands and Anglesong!
The draw is also important for us to always have fog to keep us alive. We have total of 16 fogs in deck but one of them is special - Ethereal Haze. As you can see it prevents not only combat damage, and it is arcane spell. What does it mean for us? It can "combo" with Dampen Thought. Let's assume that you are very lucky and have always Ethereal Haze and Dampen Thought in hand. On opponent turn for you can cast Ethereal Haze and splice Dampen Thought on it. So with 4 copies of Haze and 4 copies of Dampen Thought you can prevend creature damage for 4 turns and mill 32 cards.
Whirlpool Rider is another mill engine. It can be very explosive. Imagine you have few Erasures on board, full hand and then you cast Rider. But there is a reason why we have only two of them in our deck - it's a part of our second trick - transforming sideboard...
Oh! And when you want to be super cocky try using Arcane Denial on your spell :D
2. Transform
When we mill out our opponent and there is time for sideboarding before game two he/she will usually remove all removal from the deck because he/she thinks we have no creatures (even if we casted our Whirlpool Rider - there is no point in destroying it) but they don't know what's comming...
We put all of our creatures to our mainboard! Aggro Delver of Secrets
, huge (when we mill them out a little) Jace's Phantasm, protected from almost everything in the format Guardian of the Guildpact and Mystic Zealot with big butt.
And the beatdown begins.
Tricky question is what we take out from our main deck to make room for 15 creatures. The answer is: I DON'T KNOW (yet). I just started tests and don't have enough data. But it depends on what we are dealing with. Sometimes it can be fogs, less likely mill engine. And if you clash with another mill deck - just add sideboard to your mainboard. Opponent will have to mill you from addional 15 cards.
So let's put all of this nice creatures from sideboard to our main deck.
And now the conclusion
I am aware that this strategy is... strange but YOLO ;) If you don't feel it and want to play safer you can always switch some cards from MB and SB with those I added to maybeboard.
Dampen Thought -> some another draw/mill engine like Compulsive Research, Preordain or something else that draws few cards or something that mills: Dream Twist, Tome Scour, Mind Sculpt or Compelling Argument.
Some SB creatures -> Circle of Protection: Red (or Rune of Protection: Red for that cycle ability), Vedalken Entrancer or Doorkeeper and add some huge defenders.
There are ton of options. Have fun (your opponent will not), be creative, aaaand: