Win condition: Get there with wide board state (due to Young Pyromancer), early damage (Delver of Secrets
and Stormchaser Mage) and burn (Lightning Bolt and Electrolyze).
Lands (18) I'm trying to running this semi-budget which is why there aren't any fetches. Feel free to shift mana base accordingly. I will address why there are only 18 lands though. First, we don't need mana lands to do anything (very, very low curve). Second, and finally, we are running 14 draw card spells (9 of which are cantrips). We're going to draw our lands as a result of drawing extra cards. That's why we're running 18.
Counter and Card Draw As noted in the previous paragraph we're running 14 cards with draw ability, 9 of which are cantrips (Cryptic Command, Electrolyze, Remand, Gitaxian Probe, Serum Visions). We are also running 13 cards with the ability to counter (Cryptic Command, Dispel, Mana Leak, Remand, Spell Pierce, and Spell Snare).
Snapcaster Mage allows for us to recast any of these spells as well once they hit our graveyard. Note as well that his casting from the graveyard, and all of our casting triggers Young Pyromancer's ability helping us achieve our win condition.
Burn (6) Lightning Bolt and Electrolyze are our burn spell cards.
Creatures (16) Delver of Secrets
drops early and will more than likely flip early in our deck allowing us to start chipping away with early, evasive damage. Young Pyromancer helps us expand our board when we cast our counter/draw/burn spells. Stormchaser Mage gives us evasive damage as well, and he gets +1/1 off spells cast for the turn allowing us to deal more evasive damage or defend bigger threats. Snapcaster Mage allows us to flashback our spells and trigger off of Pyromancer and Stormchaser Mage.
Additional thoughts: 1. I'm considering dropping the Cryptic Command for budget reasons. 2. Also considering dropping Snapcaster Mage in favor of Grim Lavamancer. We'd lose the value of Snapcaster, but would gain more burn and an earlier drop in Lavamancer.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on what this deck needs or could do better, its deficiencies, etc. Thanks! I will post my playtesting with it over time.