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Jhoira Honey Nut Toasted Whole Grain Oats

Commander / EDH* Artifact Storm UR (Izzet)


Budget Jhoira for those of you who like the excitement of crappy storm and a touch of substandard artifact and control cards.

Ways to Win

1) Aetherflux Reservoir + Dramatic Scepter = Storm win.

2) Aetherflux Reservoir/Firebrand Archer/Reckless Fireweaver + Mirran Spy/Battered Golem + Retraction Helix/Banishing Knack + Net 0 CMC artifact = Storm/Ping win. Alternatively, if you have jhoira out, you can draw your deck.

3) Jhoira + AR/RF/FA + Future Sight + Sensei's divining top + cost reducer (so easy to setup. lol) - draw your deck and storm/ping win (noticing a theme?)

4) Reckless Fireweaver/Firebrand Archer on the battlefield, cast up to 20-40 artifact spells without RF/FA getting removed.

4) Jhoira beats

Things you should do.

1) Not play this deck.

2) If jhoira is on the battlefield and so is divining top, tap divining top, draw, put top on top of library, then play another artifact. it's a simple way to boost that storm/ping count.

3) seriously though, probably shouldn't play this deck because it is slap dash and crazy low budget. it's flashy at times, but not until turn 5-6.


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94% Competitive

Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 0 Rares

30 - 0 Uncommons

23 - 0 Commons

Cards 75
Avg. CMC 1.64
Tokens Manifest 2/2 C
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