
Creature (2)

Planeswalker (1)

Sorcery (3)

Post rotation Jund brew. I don't know about the removal :/


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Took this deck to a standard tournament last night and it was undefeated.

Round 1: Selesnya Aggro

Game 1: He had Experiment One, Dryad Militant, and Soldier of the Pantheon out by turn two and turn three he dropped a Voice of Resurgence. I had an Elvish Mystic out on turn one and a Scavenging Ooze on turn two followed by Polukranos, World Eater turn three and I pretty much had it from there on out.

Game 2: He was mana flooded and I won.

Round 2: Naya Midrange

Game 1: I unfortunately had to muligan to five. I had a turn two Scavenging Ooze, he had a turn two Loxodon Smiter and a turn three Unflinching Couragefoil and I couldn't come back from that.

Game 2: I sided in the 2x Golgari Charm and 1x Fade into Antiquity for the Unflinching Couragefoil he had. We both had to mulligan to six this game. I had a Scavenging Ooze out on turn two and Domri Rade on turn three into a {Sylvan Caryatid]] turn four. He was having mana problems and was flooded most of the time but had a Voice of Resurgence on turn three. We were breaking even until turn six and then he dropped down Aurelia, the Warleader. He killed my Domri Rade with Aurelia. I top decked a Stormbreath Dragon which took care of Aurelia, the Warleader and stalled the board until I drew another Domri and used his -2 to fight Aurelia with my Stormbreath Dragon. I continued on to win this game.

Game 3: He got flooded and I won.

Round 3: Golgari

Game 1: Turn one he dropped down a land, I dropped down a mana dork. Turn two he dropped a Lotleth Troll, I dropped down an ooze. This was perfect because him having the Troll made me excited to make my ooze huge and synergize with Underworld Cerberus :) It turns out he was mana screwed for that game and I won.

Game 2: Same turn one as last game, he dropped a land and I dropped down a Mystic. I dropped down an Ooze and he dropped down a Troll turn two. Turn three he swung with his Troll and I blocked with the Mystic forgetting about the regenerate >.< then he dropped another Troll. I dropped a Sylvan Caryatid. Turn four he killed the Ooze and swung with the Troll. I drew an Underworld Cerberus and played it in hopes I'd get another ooze soon. He killed it with Hero's Downfall turn five and got his Troll back and I got my Mystic and Ooze back. Turn six he played a Desecration Demon and I drew one of the top and played it as well. He passed the turn without swinging and I drew another Demon (the first time I've been seeing these all night). I swung with the Demon and he trade his Demon for mine and I dropped another one down and passed the turn. He didn't have much more from then on. I dropped downPolukranos, World Eater which he killed his next turn. Then I dropped down a Stormbreath Dragon and continued on to win the game with the help of Whip of Erebos.


I only played three rounds that night because there were seven people in the tournament. I do like the synergy between Underworld Cerberus and Scavenging Ooze and plan to keep them in there. I don't know if I like Desecration Demon or Reaper of the Wilds more. I didn't get to play the Reaper much against the decks I wanted to test against. I was hoping to play against a control deck but there was only one there and I didn't face it. I'm very pleased with the deck though. I thought I'd need more removal but I didn't even see Dreadbore... I only needed to use Mizzium Mortars once or twice the whole night, once against Golgari game one after he dropped the Troll the first time and against Naya once. I'm basing this all off memory because I neglected to take notes :/ Let me know what you guys think!

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 4 Mythic Rares

28 - 6 Rares

8 - 5 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.89
Tokens Assassin 1/1 B w/ Player Killer, Emblem Domri Rade
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