The deck strategy is deceptively simple, yet it takes a skilled magic player to make the necessary calculations and pilot this deck to victory.
The Path to Victory:
Step 1: Find an Evolutionary Leap (Mulligan if necessary)
Step 2: Play a creature
Step 3: Sac it to Evo-Leap
Step 4: Continue in this manner, chaining together Satyr Wayfinders to dump Bridge from Below's into your grave. This will allow your sacs to generate zombie tokens.
Step 5: Once you run out of creatures (or at least most of them), play your Loaming Shaman, and in response to the trigger sac it to Evolutionary Leap to allow you to shuffle itself as well as your other creatures into your library.
Step 6: Continue until you win.
Liliana of the Veil as well as Faithless Looting allow you to dump bridges from your hand into your grave.
If you mill your Loaming Shaman with Satyr Wayfinder or Commune with the Gods, all is lost! Proceed to scoop phase.
Just kidding.
If that happens you can continue to use Gravecrawler's (because you control a zombie token) and saccing it to generate tokens. It's not the optimal outcome, but by this point you will often have 3 or 4 bridges in grave so it doesn't really matter.
Xenagos, the Reveler accelerates this deck massively, allowing an easy T5 or T6 win if played correctly.
Keep in mind that this is NOT an aggressive deck as many people (falsely) believe. This deck is a MIDRANGE deck, focusing more on the long game where you can produce zombie tokens and generate card advantage indefinetely, allowing you to outgrind your opponent (with the help of huntmaster of the fells).
The sideboard helps against various decks. The only card I feel that really needs to be explained is Rakdos Charm simply becuase its usefulness is largely unknown to the general public. Rakdos Charm wrecks TWIN. Rather than playing
, Torpor Orb (which interferes with our wayfinders) and Leyline of Singularity, rakdos charm allows us to (post board) generate quick and easy wins with virtually no work at all. The card would be PERFECT if it couldn't be countered, but sadly it can. Oh well. It still closes off most games simply because it is so unexpected.
If you like the deck, a +1 would be greatly appreciated.
Sideboard help wanted.