Card Breakdown:
Blackcleave Cliffs: Good fast land for a turn one Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek.
Shocks: The shocklands for our colors, cant live without
Basics: 3 basics, helps with Path to Exile and Blood Moon---
Grove of the Burnwillows: Great untapped land with negligible life gain for our opponent.---
Raging Ravine: A fast clock and hard to hit with removal---
Treetop Village: Another man land, hits hard and hard to hit.---
Fetches: The fetches in our colors, need these as well.
Birds of Paradise: No Deathrite Shaman, no problems, the deck doesn't need the shaman to work, and birds still gives us a turn 2 Liliana of the Veil---
Courser of Kruphix: Green allstar for the deck, gains us life and helps us fetch away cards we don't want to draw.---
Dark Confidant: The best card for draw power in black, a must have---
Huntmaster of the Fells
: An amazing card, puts bodies on the field, gains us life, and zaps off little guys. Fun, fun creature.---
Scavenging Ooze: Kills graveyard targets and gives us life and a big beater in the process, good little ooze.---
Skinshifter: Admittedly he's a pet choice over Tarmogoyf, I like him better overall for his modes, as he can block, evade, or trample through for the win.
Inquisition of Kozilek: A turn one discard spell that hits most things in modern, part of our brutal discard package.---
Thoughtseize: The best one mana discard in the format.---
Maelstrom Pulse: A fun one-of, can blow up leylines and multiples with ease, only drawback is the sorcery speed.---
Abrupt Decay: An absolute powerhouse against anything with counter magic. A must have.---
Lightning Bolt: If you call a deck Jund and run less than four of these, you're doing it wrong.---
Liliana of the Veil: A great way to remove threats both in and out of the hand.---
Ancient Grudge: Reccuring removal for affinity or tron, a nice little robot sniper.---
Geth's Verdict: Great against the Bogle deck, or any deck that loves creatures. Not to mention he wrecks Etched Champion---
Inquisition of Kozilek: In case they play blue. (Delver of Secrets
Leyline of the Void: Shuts down any graveyard based deck, while leaving ours alone, comes in a surprising amount of times, also, I hate Treasure Cruise...---
Rakdos Charm: Bring it in against affinity, graveyard decks, or the twin combo.---
Sowing Salt: Is your opponent using lands to win? Not anymore.---
Dismember: This helps to vary up our removal package, also, it brings down a Phyrexian Obliterator With ease
Let me know what you think in the comments. Feel free to leave suggestions or CC. Thanks guys, and Happy Planeswalking.