This has been my jund brew i have been working on for the past month. I've been working really hard on making this work against the meta and so far it has actually proven to be very successful especially against monoblack/monoblue. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.
This deck has tended to be extremely explosive when it works correctly, which thankfully is very consistent but I will have to see how my current changes effect it and the meta. This has essentially evolved into GR monsters(midrange) with a very strong black sideboard with good removal in board. Also using Xenagos to make demon a 12/12 is fun. And if you have domri out your demon can fight anything without worry. (Though same could be applied for most of this deck.)
Updates : 2/17/14
Dregmanglers out -- Fanatic of Xenagos In.
Dregmanger avoided Doomblade/ultimate price and allowed instant pressure, but I am finding a 4/4 trampler to be much more effective turn 3 especially when paired with Xenagos(god) and also helps up the devotion cost.
1 Chandra, pyromaster + 1 Rakdos Keyrune Out
2 Polukranos = In
I was running keyrune and chandra in for their consistency for the deck, however, removing dreg manglers reduced my need for black mana and I would rather fuel my deck with an efficient beater that also acts as removal.
-1 Temple of Malice +1 Temple of Abandon
Why: Mana changes. Lowered black count now.
Sideboard Changes:
Sylvan Carytrid -- A must have for any green deck at this point. Avoids most removal aside from devour flesh/other sac effects and allows this deck to really blossom.
Desecration Demons -- I have found the pressure demons bring out into the field has been too good to pass out even if they arnt effectively beating they still apply enough to force removal or sac's gaining me advantage.
Stormbreath Dragon -- Its a dragon that breaths storms. It also avoids D spheres, blood baron, obzedat, and so on. Blood baron is my main fear though.
Xenagos, God of revels -- Since adding this in the deck has been warped greatly. It just makes everything so much more powerful and is also the main change for many of my options because of devotion count.
Fanatic of Xenagos -- A 3/3 or 4/4 trampler on Turn 3 is nothing to scoff at and from my prior experience at FNM i have found tribute is not as easy to deal with as people claim it is. Especially when both options still leave you bleeding.
Polukranos, Wolrd Eater -- New addition. I am testing him out now with xenagos for the devotion and I also have enough mana acceleration to effectively monstrous him.
Putrefy/Hero's Downfall -- I dont mainboard doomblade due to monoblack being almost all of the meta it seems and they also take care of artifacts/plainswalkers which is relevant.
Magma jet -- A playset is a must for this deck. There is a reason why its used in legacy and that scry two is why. It makes the deck run flawlessly and is sick when used with domri or Chandra.
Mizzium -- To take out those pesky problems and i have effectively overloaded at least twice in most my games, being a game winner. Also takes care of blood baron.
Rakdos's Return -- There have been a lot of times where I have rakdos's for absurd amounts that have won me the game when used in sync with xenagos (plainswalker) +1. I even rakdos's returned for 18 at one point. It was fun.
Domri Rade -- Removal/Draw that almost never fails with scry lands/magma jet/high creature count
Xenagos, The reveler -- In this deck his mana producing is just absurd and his ability to effectively defend himself is nice. Used with the god he craps out 4/4 hasters.
Chandra, pyromaster -- Was a two of now a one of testing it now. The ability to keep an opponent from blocking is very often the game winning key. Also with my end curve being 5 mana i can effectively use her 0 ability to play anything in my deck. Coupled with scry it can be broken.
Golgari Charm -- Against control/white weenie/enchantments
Doom blade -- Against aggro/mono colored decks like monoblue.
thoughtsieze -- Only a two of which is odd to most but it has effectively shut down many midrange/control decks even as a 2 of.
Ultimate Price -- 3 of considering 4 of due to monoblack/monoblue being so relevant
Abrupt decay -- a current one of to deal with brimaz/enchantments like D spheres/Underworld connections
Mistcutter Hydra/Witch stalker -- both in there for the monoblue matchup.
Mizzium -- Mainly in there for aggro decks and blood baron.