
Creature (3)

Sorcery (2)


This is a midrange deck that becomes nearly unstoppable after turn 4.


Burning-Tree Emissary is one of the best cards, if not the best card in this deck; Its easy to cast, fixes mana, and can be a insanely good Unearth target.

Grisly Salvage can fetch us a creature or a land in a pinch. It is at its best when we have already set up a strong mana-base and can be used to filter out unwanted lands. It is also a great enabler for both Unearth and Gurmag Angler. Grisly Salvage is the engine that keeps the deck going.

Horned Kavu is a 3/4 for 2. it can also return Burning-Tree Emissary for more mana fixing, but its mostly just a 3/4 FOR 2

Violent Outburst can buff all our creatures, but is mainly here for cascade.

Terminate is just the best removal in the format. Suck it delver.

Unearth can give us both recursion of our threats AND can lets us make the most out of Grisly Salvage.

Finally, Gurmag Angler lets us use our graveyard to its full potential.

Anything not mentioned here is in the deck just because its good.

THE SICC STRAT(assuming you have a good hand)

Turn One

Start building your mana base. If you have a one drop, feel free to play it with a basic land, but otherwise play a gain land or use a "fetch land".

Turn Two

If you did not play your basic last turn play it NOW. Turn two is the most important turn in the game for this deck. You can use Burning-Tree Emissary now, but i would suggest saving it for when you can make the most of its ability. A good Grisly Salvage can set you up for the rest of the game. Horned Kavu is an ABSOLUTE UNIT that can put an actual metric TON of pressure on your opponent (3/4's are pretty scary you know). If you are desperate you could also use a Terminate.

Turn Three

By now you probably have something in your graveyard, so feel free to use an Unearth. You can also go in for a big sweep with Violent Outburst

Turn Four

By now you should have your mana base fully built. From here on out just keep using Grisly Salvage to put creatures in your graveyard/hand and put the desire for death in your opponents.

"They terminated my delver!" (total loser degenerate before getting his stupid dork face smashed circa 2018)


Updates Add

I added more removal to make the deck more midrange-y


Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years
Splash colors BRG

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.08
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