Given I have artifacts that can tap for 3 mana total, this yields infinite mana, color defined by the used artifacts. A number cards in my deck become much more powerful if fed infinite mana. Requires 6 mana to kick-start.
The short of it is: Mystic Retrieval, Brutal targeting Mystic Retrieval, copy of Brutal, copy of Mystic Retrieval. The long of it follows, in two forms.
In the first option, start by casting Mystic Retrieval from your hand. Swarm Intelligence then triggers, preparing to copy Mystic Retrieval. Hold priority before the resolution of the trigger, and cast Brutal Expulsion targeting the Mystic Retrieval on the stack. Swarm Intelligence then copies Brutal Expulsion. The stack at this point is at its highest: (Original Mystic Retrieval, Swarm Intelligence copy trigger on Original Mystic Retrieval, Brutal Expulsion, copy of Brutal Expulsion).
Now going down the stack, the copy then original Brutal Expulsion resolve, with either choosing to "Return target spell to hand," targeting the original Mystic Retrieval, and the rest of the Brutal effects hitting the board state.
Once the Brutal Expulsions resolve, the stack then is just (Swarm Intelligence copy trigger on Mystic Retrieval). The trigger then resolves, making a copy of Mystic Retrieval, which you then resolve targeting the newly yarded Brutal Expulsion, returning the card to hand.
For a total cost of and no cards, you can hit the board with up to 3 effects from Brutal Expulsion: 2 creature/planeswalker damage at a time or single-target creature bounce. Since both cards end in your hand, this cycle can be looped infinitely if given infinite blue and red mana, to deal infinite damage to all creatures and planeswalkers of choice, and bounce all other creatures to their owners hands.
The second, more powerful, way to run this loop, and it comes from Mystic Retrieval's Flashback. Instead of casting Mystic Retrieval from hand, you can cast it without response, get two cards, and let it yard. Then, start the loop off of casting the spell via Flashback. As a spell on the stack, Brutal Expulsion will be able to target it - it doesn't care where the spell came from.
To more fully explain, play Mystic Retrieval first, and allow it and the Swarm Intelligence trigger and copy to resolve, netting two cards from grave. With Mystic Retrieval now in the graveyard, use its Flashback to cast it again. Swarm Intelligence will trigger to copy the flashbacked Mystic Retrieval. In response to Swarm Intelligence triggering, we can use Brutal Expulsion to return the flashbacked Mystic Retrieval to hand. We end up with the same stack: (Flashbacked Mystic Retrieval, Swarm Intelligence copy trigger on Flashbacked Mystic Retrieval, Brutal Expulsion, copy of Brutal Expulsion).
Now we have the same loop, but additionally get to move two instants/sorceries from grave to hand each time. When given infinite mana (since the loop now costs ), the net effect is to return all instants and sorceries in the grave to hand, along with the Brutal Expulsion effects of choice.
And that's the joke - having any and all of my previously played instants/sorceries in my hand, and the ability to play any of them as many times as I want. While this alone doesn't win me the game, I will 100% of the time will have or be able to draw to a kill spell like Comet Storm or Red Sun's Zenith.
It's a janky asf combo that needs at least 6 cards, and it's dumb and I love it and this is me want play funny joke
Isochron Sceptor + Dramatic Reversal + Gilded Lotus, Swarm Intelligence, Mystic Retrieval + Brutal Expulsion
Tutor targets, given all pieces in deck:
Merchant Scroll --> Firemind's Foresight
Firemind's Foresight --> Mystical Tutor, Dramatic Reversal, Long-Term Plans-->Swarm Intelligence
Mystical Tutor --> Brutal Expulsion || Mystic Retrieval || Fabricate --> Isochron Scepter
I have enough counters that I should be able to reliably protect both Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter
getting to the board, and stop counters to the Brutal Expulsion + Mystic Retrieval
Cards On My Radar
They don't immediately seem good enough to add, but they've held my attention.
As Foretold
Mystic Remora
Diluvian Primordial
Argivian Restoration or Rootwater Diver or Reconstruction or Academy Ruins