Infinite Combo #1:
Goblin Matron tutors Conspicuous Snoop > Boggart Harbinger after Snoop is on field > Send Kiki to top of library > Infinitely reproduce Snoop. Once satisfied copy Boggart Harbinger and use his skill to bring Sling-Gang Lieutenant to the top of library. Sac all goblins for maximum lols. This should occur rather quickly if you have drawn a good starting hand.
If in the event we can't combo off with Kiki + Snoop, I've added a bit of insurance to make sure we combo somewhere in the game, depending on our luck of the draw. The goal here was to make it consistently combo off through the use of numerous different combos that all shared similar cards.
Infinite Combo #2:
For this combo, we will need to get Krenko, Mob Boss on the field and preferably already have dropped Thornbite Staff early game. Since Krenko is not a Shaman, we don't get the benefit of an insta-attach, so this combo takes considerably more time to get set up. I hope to have offset this with the addition of the Aether Vials so we can get some free, essential casts when they need to be cast, then have some mana open to attach Thornbite Staff and also deploy our sac outlet such as Goblin Bombardment. I also have several other sac outlets in the deck such as Skirk Prospector and Sling-Gang Lieutenant, some associated with other infinite combos but also will work well here depending on the enchantments/artifacts in play.
Infinite Combo #3:
For the final infinite combo in this deck, we are looking at a combination of getting Krenko, Mob Boss out to the field, tapping him to produce X number of goblin tokens, then hoping we can produce enough mana from sacrificing those creatures via Skirk Prospector to A) untap Krenko again, and B) untap the Staff of Domination to perform the above to infinity and beyond.
I am aware that I am missing pretty much any semblance of control that would allow me to consistently deploy these strategies, but without the below 60 all I had were 3x Terminate which I can definitely see coming in clutch every so often, but this deck has been pretty consistently comboing in as little as 2 rounds, with an average of about 5.