Why have great cards when I can just steal yours?
"Knowledge is such a burden. Release it. Release all your fears to me." - Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
The whole idea of this deck is to basically play your opponents deck against them self all under an esper control shell. If you don't like what your opponent has, then remove or counter it. If you do like it, just take it from them, forcibly.
Step 1Do that thing control decks do. Deny opponent's threats through malevolent means. Get out planeswalkers. Control the board state throughout the early game. Kill your opponents creatures/planeswalkers, put their win conditions in the graveyard, and counter important spells.
Removal SpellsHero's DownfallFar / AwayAzorius Charm
Denial Spells
Psychic Strike
Step 2Stabilize and start playing some planes walkers. Gain life, draw cards, clear the board, then start playing some creatures. Analyze your opponent's deck starting turn one and begin to formulate what cards will be best to take and play against them.
Stabilizing CardsSupreme Verdict
Sphinx's Revelation
Daxos of Meletis
The Walkers
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
Jace, Memory Adept
Step 3Begin to mill your opponent and take control of their best spells/creatures.
Both Jace and Ashiok do it in their own wayJace, Memory Adept +
Psychic Intrusion
= Lots of options
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
does its own thingIf the opportunity ever comes up, using Jace's ult then Ashiok's ult afterwards then watch the hilarity ensue
The creatures can do it as wellNightveil Specter is a decent beater that has the option to steal cardsDaxos of Meletis has the option to steal cards and gain lifeLord of the Void is a game ending monster who will take all the best things
Good cards to take include:
Extra Win Conditions
Milling people to death is always a viable option. As is simply beating them to death with Lord of the Void.
The sideboard will be worked on eventually.
+1's and comments of all types are greatly appreciated.