I've been making this deck for awhile now. After testing, this is what I've got so far. Haven't played in any tournaments with it, but it's only lost once against a red deck wins.If you have any suggestions let me know. i am tight on money, but since modern never phases anything out I've got time haha.
Main Idea:For the first three turns this deck stays pretty idle. It plays like a normal mana ramp deck. the basic goal is to play an infinite card draw and mana ramp combo which will allow you to play 20+ spell and then storm a grapeshot for lethal damage, or some other fun win condition.ideally it will play something like this:
turn one- drop a forest and cast a Llanowar Elves or some equivalent.
turn two- drop another forest and cast another elf, hopefully you have one of the creature spells needed to start this decks main combo; Nettle Sentinel, Heritage Druid, or Elvish Visionary; already but, if not don't worry this deck has amazing tutoring spells.
turn three- drop another forest. by this turn i sometimes get lucky, I'll have five mana sources, three forest and two llanowar elves, and the right cards in hand. what makes the perfect hand in this deck? well its simple and complicated, you have to be imaginative with the cards in this deck, first your goal is to acquire three Nettle Sentinel, at least one Heritage Druid another Elvish Visionary and finally a Cloudstone Curio ill do this by casting a Weird Harvest for two and a summoners pact. Of course its usually odd when all these cards pop into your hand on turn three so usually I'll wait, even if i might be able to pull off the combo, because unless i know for certain that the cards in hand will win me the game i won't go for it. normally ill try to cast a Weird Harvest for three and tutor whatever creatures i need, this usually includes any combination of Regal Force Nettle Sentinel Heritage Druid and Elvish Visionary
turn four- this is usually the magical turn. If i didn't use Weird Harvest last turn then id try to use it this turn. normally by turn four ill play a Heritage Druid for one forest, tap three elves (including the heritage, leave a llanowar untapped just in case) for three green mana, play all sentinels in your hand, but lets assume the worst case scenario, you don't have any sentinels. tap the rest of your lands and the llanowar, that would put you at 7 mana, by this turn you most likely have a Summoner's Pact and a weird harvest. weird harvest for 3 and pick up 3 sentinels. play two of them and call it a turn. the point of this deck is to combo everything in one turn, don't force it. the best thing to do is to set up and wait. so what if you need that 5th turn to win, your still gonna win right!?
turn five (the win) - so you have two sentinels, a heritage druid and three other elves. tap all the elves for 6 mana, play the last nettle sentinel, untapp the other two sentinels, then tap them for three more mana. your mana count should be at 8. Cast that summoners pact for a Regal Force. then tap the sentinels again for a total of 11 mana. cast regal force and draw your cards. worst case scenario you draw all lands, but that never happens and if it does, you'll get them the next two games! hopefully you've drawn at least another weird harvest or summoner's pact if you still don't have that visionary. but most likely you've drawn a Cloudstone Curio by now. cast the cloudstone, tap your sentinels for 3 more mana, your at 4 mana now, play your visionary, but if you cast your only one earlier don't fret! cast an elf and bounce that visionary back to your hand thanks to help from couldstone curio. i think you guys see the combo by now. play a visionary, untap sentinels, draw a card, and bounce a creature, then play that creature untap sentinels and bounce visionary. redo this last sequence until you gaine enough mana and draw the magical cards. play an Obelisk of Naya to produce red mana for a grapeshot and storm all the damage you need; or if you've sideboarded in a burst of speed, play a Biorhythm, and then swing with all, or play emrakul after that Biorhythm and swing with him next turn. there are plenty of win conditions in this deck, however they are all reliant on this infinite mana/draw combo.
normally i can perform the combo by turn 4, sometimes i have to wait for turn five, and when I'm lucky it will go off turn three. if you do happen to play a blue or black deck, ill usually win the first match and then ill be forced to sideboard in Autumn's Veil. Heritage Druid seems to always be targeted by the opposition, you have to think of it as "they're just postponing the inevitable" and just keep playing, don't get frustrated and take advantage of autumns veil. The only deck i have lost to as i mentioned earlier was a 'red deck wins' which burned my sentinels and druids the first match. Then i took the remaining matches partially due to luck as he had no idea what combo i was aiming for on the second and he got mana flooded on the third. this is a powerful deck when used correctly and imaginatively. the best advice i can give when using this deck is know your deck inside and out, understand all the possibilities and react appropriately in your given situation, again don't force the combo because you'll either get lucky and win, or shit yourself out of luck and lose, the later being the most likely.please leave any and all feedback. Thanks