Welcome to Kykar's Friendly Prison! We hope you enjoy your stay in this bountiful land of control, superfriends, and spirits. Make yourself comfortable!

So why Kykar?

For a very long time I have wanted to build a consistent and high power Jeskai deck, but none of the Jeskai commanders have fit my tastes. Some are too random/chaos based (Zedruu the Greathearted, Pramikon, Sky Rampart, Ruhan of the Fomori). Some are built too often to be surprising (Elsha of the Infinite, Narset, Enlightened Master). Others are too narrowly focused (Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest, Numot, the Devastator, Sevinne, the Chronoclasm).

Then comes Kykar, Wind's Fury. A versatile commander that can be used in a variety of ways. Casting cantrips, mana rocks, and countering spells gives added value by creating an army of flyers that can be sacrificed for additional ramp value. Kykar was the commander I needed.


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