
So, this is just a fun Grouphug deck with Kynaios and Tiro at the helm. The only wincon is Approach of the Second Sun, but in the Maybeboard there is also Azor's Elocutors. And this brings me to the real gimmick of this deck, which is that quite a few of the cards can be interchanged with cards from the Maybeboard. Cards like Hive Mind, Wrong Turn and Guided Passage could easily be changed out for cards like Telepathy, Eon Frolicker or Pyxis of Pandemonium. Not only is this a fun gimmick for myself to play with from game to game, but I like it even more when I can give my deck to someone else to play and let them customize the deck.

Now, what is this deck made with exactly so you yourself can try customizing it to have the most fun playing it?

1)There is card draw, mostly in grouphug style. Here are some noteable examples: - Font of Mythos - Dictate of Kruphix - Temple Bell

2)Ramp, also mostly in grouphug style. Some examples: - Spectral Searchlight - Dictate of Karametra - Rites of Flourishing

3)Protection. Now, this is not grouphuggie, it's to stay in the game. Some examples: - Magus of the Moat - Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs - Ghostly Prison or Propaganda

4)Control. This category is pretty broad, including boardwipes, counterspells and more. Some examples: - Terminus - Voidslime - Darksteel Mutation - Oblation

5)Then there are some cool combo's you might want to pull of to stay in the game long enough until you win:

6) Fun Cards. The most important part of this deck. What are some of the funnest cards you can put in this deck?

  • Eon Frolicker - Who doesn't want to give their opponent an extra turn? Although not included in this deck list, if you really want to go the group hug route, Emrakul, the Promised End basically does the same, but now you're in control of helping them for a turn.

  • Polymorphist's Jest - I like this one because it has Jest in the name, which is exactly why you would want to play this card; to prank one of your opponents in a crucial moment.

  • Perplexing Chimera (or Eyes Everywhere or Conjured Currency or Role Reversal or even Wrong Turn) - They all do basically the same, they let you switch control of something. It can really blow out an opponent and it's a fun way to control the board without your opponents feeling like they're being screwed over (too much)

  • Hive Mind - A really unique card that makes your opponents think twice when they cast an instant or sorcery. Really fun shenanigans to be had with this one. Maybe reconsider if you don't want intricate stack interactions though.

  • Aeon Engine - "Reverse the game's turn order". Do I need to say more?

  • Telepathy - Having everyone (excluding you) show their hands to everyone is just fun. Lantern of Insight kind of falls in the same category.

  • Illicit Auction - Have everyone bid life for one creature of your choice. You could even get it yourself, but whatever happens, almost everyone will enjoy a quick subgame of bidding.

  • Pyxis of Pandemonium - It's already kind of in the name "Pandemonium", but having everyone exile cards before having everyone return the permanents to the battlefield creates a fun kind of choas. Some players will get completely blown out, exiling mostly instants or sorceries, while others just return their best permanents to the battlefield. Quick sidenote on a non-bo here: You could easily exile your own Approach of the Second Sun, ridding yourself of your only win-con (aside from milling your opponents via something like Folio of Fancies), so be sure to include another win-con (like Azor's Elocutors) if you try the Pyxis. Or just take the risk, God knows I did :)

Well, there are plenty of cards I haven't talked about, but to be fair, I could write a paragraph about each and every card in this, as of writing, 155 card deck. For example, I have found that one of the biggest weaknesses of the deck is getting chipped down on health, so I run Arbiter of Knollridge as my main form of (group hug) healing, alongside Lifegift. Humble Defector is a wonderful card that draws you two cards before giving itself away. Very nice political card, and even better if you run a Homeward Path (which also synergises with Perplexing Chimera and the like). And last but not least, it's always important to me to include at least one card that grants you the Monarch, which is Protector of the Crown in this case, as it's a nice and pillowfort-y card.

Well, if you have any suggestion, especially for the more out there cards that don't really fit any deck but do cool and/or weird stuff, I would very much like to hear of them.


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95% Casual


Revision 12 See all

(3 months ago)

+1 Flux maybe
Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

55 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.81
Tokens Copy Clone, Ogre 3/3 R, Spirit 1/1 C, Monarch Emblem
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