I am really stepping out of my comfort zone with this deck, as this will be the most competitive thing I make probably. That being said, WELCOME to a classic and rotation-proof standard Grixis control deck! Nicol Bolas looked too fantabulastical for me NOT to make a deck around him, so I decided to make one around him!
This deck will use the classic Torrential Gearhulk to flashback kill, draw, and other whack spells that we use to slay our opponents creatures! The tempo we can generate here is unreal!
Our ideal first turn move is either going to be Fatal Push or Magma Spray, which is why they are a 4-of each. After that, Negate and Essence Scatter will hold us turn 2, and once we hit turn 3, we're smooth sailing with
Champion of Wits
, Disallow, Supreme Will, and even an occasional Sweltering Suns! After that, you stall until you hit either a Gearhulk or Nicol Bolas.
Our sideboard is geared for some match-ups we could have issues with. Dealing with that pesky God-Pharaoh's Gift deck, or any other artifact deck for that matter? Abrade... which I guess is good for a lot of other things as well, so that's besides the point, but whatever! We also have the rest of the playset of Negate and Essence Scatter in case you run into a deck that heavily focuses on either aggro or control. The extra
Noxious Gearhulk
's are in there to prevent bigger dudes from trampling over us, and give us a nice life boost!
is great against superfriends, or in case you need some extra creature removal. Dealing with God's or other pesky indestructible creatures?
Trial of Ambition
is here to help! Because, you know, you can kill everything else. :)
Well, that concludes my walkthrough of an extremely annoying deck! I've playtested this a bunch against some MODERN DECKS that my friends own, and it is currently undefeated!... except for that dumb mono-white human deck... darn aggro, couldn't draw into Push...
Give this deck a thumbs-up if you enjoy, and share it with your friends, if you're into that sort of thing... you know, friends. I know I ain't.
Latah alligatahs.