

Creature (2)

Sorcery (2)

Lots of removal, beat-sticks and control. I put this together after I placed 2nd at FNM 4 weeks in a row. I took my R/W/B (first 2 weeks) and R/W/U ( second 2 weeks). I was finding myself playing each deck and missing certain aspects of the other, mainly the black and the blue, so I put it all together. It works really well against almost all agro decks and outlasts most control decks. Let's take a look at the creatures to start.Boros Reckoner One of the coolest 3 drops out there, great for offense or defense and allows for extra removal/direct damage with Anger of the Gods

Obzedat, Ghost Council Call the Ghostbusters cause this dude is gonna bust some balls. Despite the obvious benefits of their exile ability, what I really think makes this 5/5 awesome is that haste. Great to close the gap for the win.

High Priest of Penance This little guy is gonna make your opponents pay for their sins. Great defense especially when combined with Anger of the Gods *Don't forget it's target NON-LAND which is just silly.

Master of Cruelties Do I even need to give this guy an intro? He's just the next instrument and level of Hell. Combined with Gift of Orzhova you'll be able to smell your opponents fear.

Daxos of Meletis With all of the removal that's shoved in this deck, you might find yourself looking for a creature and this guy will give you that chance.

Desecration Demon I know there's only one in here (and I'd run 3 if I had em), but it would be foolish of me not to run this big black meanie. 4 mana for a 6/6 flyer is hard to beat in any deck build.

Erebos, God of the Dead Let's start with the best God in the set. Indestructible. Your opponents cant gain life and you get the the draw option for 2 mana and 2 life. Get that devotion up and it's all over.

Now for the one planeswalker.

Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver I'm not gonna lie with his prissy stance I thought he was a she and I was okay with it, because he's still a bitch. 3 mana, comes in with 3, instantly +2 exile the top three of their deck(which proves useful to disrupt your opponents scry and graveyard play). The ability to play a killer 2 or 3 drop creature from the pile is awesome and hateful at the same time.


Dreadbore Great 2 drop non-specific removal for creatures and planewalkers.

Doom Blade 2 drop non-black creature? Get him outta here! instant

Thoughtseize Such a great prep card to get the game going.

Sphinx's Revelation Gain X Life, Draw X Cards is just an unbelievable card considering it's at instant speed. It's one of the best contingency plans I've had the opportunity of using. Despite getting countered, it makes your opponent feel like they now need to hurry up, which can give you all you need to win next turn with a Rakdos's Return

Rakdos's Return Opponent loses X Life, discards X cards is our polar opposite of the almighty sphinx's and wow how it pays off. Fill your hand the turn before and then destroy your opponents the next.

** Sphinx's Revelation at your opponents end step then Rakdos's Return during yours **

Anger of the Gods 3 damage to each creature? For 3 mana? Count me in! That's why we have Boros Reckoner and High Priest of Penance

Whip of Erebos If you're gonna take away life gain from your foes then you might as well give all your creatures Lifelink. Along with the whip's ability the enchantment can give a lot of survivability if you get down.

Detention Sphere and Chained to the Rocks Got a problem with an indestructible? Or there are too many big guys at one time? Let this take care of that.

Assemble the Legion If your opponent gives this cannon fodder factory a few turns, they'll wish they hadn't.

and finally..Gift of Orzhova Makes every creature here just one big pain in the ?!*$%

Let me know what you think. I'll update my sideboard and maybe a little later. I'll also give it it's first test at FNM this week.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 3 Mythic Rares

35 - 8 Rares

2 - 4 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.97
Tokens Cat Soldier 1/1 W, Soldier 1/1 RW
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