Alrighty TappedOut Community . . . another one needing some tweaking . . . but when it comes off, it's LOTS of fun.
Have always wanted to build a Master of the Wild Hunt/Vigor deck . . .
A couple wincons . . .
1) just get a bunch of wolves on the board and overrun your opponent . . . doubling call can rapidly bring this to the fore.
2) Get Vigor and a bunch of wolves on the board . . . they get bigger and bigger and bigger, and half the wolves will be unblockable
or, best . . .
3) get Vigor and Master of the Wild Hunt on the board . . . start targeting your own creature (preferably a Lone Wolf or Wandering Wolf for unblockable status) with the wolves and vigor makes the targeted creature a mutant freakazoid wolf in a round or two, all the while pumping all the rest of the wolves rapidly to Dire Wolf status themselves . . . Beauty here is everything is exponential every round . . . so things get WAY out of hand WAY fast.
6 mana is the key to this deck, and getting there fast is critical. I'm pulling that off on a regular basis in playtesting, but while I accomplish one of the three above scenarios consistently, I'm not getting the granddaddy as often as I want. I'm finding myself playing a LOT of land sometimes, for multiple rounds, without getting to the critical cards.
I've thought about Chord of Calling, but since I need to get to 6 mana, I'm not sure it really speeds anything up? maybe?
Thoughts and suggestions welcome!