

Lost in the clouds

In their Path to Exile, the Thraben Inspector attempt to solve the mystical cloud maze that crosses the planes of Zendikar and Innistrad.

Their first Clue was written down on the Wall of Omens towering in the Nimbus Maze. They are soon to be joined by the Snapcaster Mage who are trying to remember the Cloudshift of the maze.

In a sudden flashback to their goal, the team soon realized that, if they did not advance the maze faster, they would certainly be Ousted back to their reality.

Their first challenge was the ever mysterious Eldrazi Displacer who seemed to be reshaping the maze at all time. In search of knowledge, they used their ancient Serum Visions, revealing to them only that, if they do not solve the maze fast enough, all that will be left for them will be Wastes.

The maze however, required more than knowledge, as their second challenge, the Thought-Knot Seers would arise. With their strange power, they were slowly draining away the minds of the ones trapped in the clouds, making them forget the path they chose and the clues they took for granted.

During an Eerie Interlude, when they thought everything was lost, a Restoration Angel came to ease their mind and help them gather their thoughts. On her back came a Reflector Mage protecting them and pushing the eldrazi far away in the Aether.

At last, with the help of the angel, they finally made it to center of the maze, a simple Island circled by gigantic Celestial Colonnade. There they would find all the knowledge they had craved for... except that, all that was waiting for them were the eldrazies waiting patiently. With fear in their hearts, the maze runners gripped their weapons, readied their magic. The eldrazi stood motionless, and finally, one of them emitted a thought : ''What you have realized and learned here is all you truly needed to understand us and yourselves. Existence is like this maze, ever changing and eluding like clouds in a storm. Your minds are now closer to understanding the purpose of the blind eternities and the eldrazies. Are you ready to join the infinite and enter the Hallowed Fountain of time ?'' By Peter Mohrbacher

I've always wanted to make a deck that revolved around enter the battlefield effect without having to rely too much on an infinite combo. I feel like this kind of deck does not receive very much love, there isn't even a Flicker or Blink hub on tappedout! After I while of tinkering I came up with this take, which I have been tweaking and modifying a whole lot lately. Suggestions are always welcome, there are a lot of cards in the deck that I am not sure belong there, but did not find a suitable replacements.

A little thanks to a couple of users whom I have taken inspiration to make the story above :) .

Card choices Show

While I was looking for good lands in the U/W colors I realized how amazing a single Nimbus Maze fit what I wanted. I had a really hard time finding a land that did the same thing as Adarkar Wastes . Luckily I was able to get mine before the gigantic raise in value of the card.

Celestial Colonnade A classic in U/W and a great land when a lot of your spells are instants or have flash !

Thraben Inspector Starting with one of the weirdest cards, I believe this card truly has potential, even as a slightly worst Wall of Omens , the mana cost, enter the battlefield and overall stats of the card are just enough to make it great in my opinion !

Wall of Omens Probably one of the cornerstone of the deck, it is not only an annoying defender, but every time it gets bounced, I get to draw a card. Very powerful in this deck.

Snapcaster Mage I don't think I need to say much about what this card does, but I will simply say that, while it is already in play, if you have enough mana, it allows you to play double Eerie Interlude, with all of the other enter the battlefield effect, this can definitely be deadly.

Eldrazi Displacer A card usually not played on turn 3, since it is just a vanilla 3/3 by itself. However left unchecked it will absolutely destroy your opponent, removing blockers, triggering the enter the battlefield effects and saving your creatures from removal.

Reflector Mage Another cornerstone of this deck, this card does amazing work at slowing down your opponent, three mana might seem a little late but with the low mana control this deck has, it usually works very well. Amazing to flicker of course.

Thought-Knot Seer The best friend of reflector mage and the worst enemy of control decks ! Flickering this card might seem foolish because of the draw your opponent obtains, but usually removing just the card they need is deadly enough to get the job done.

Restoration Angel An absolute monster in this deck at the very top of the curve with it's eldrazi friend (Never thought I would say an angel is friend with an eldrazi...). Not only does it trigger battlefield effects and save your creatures but a 3/4 with flying is a huge butt for the additional benefits this card brings. When casting Eerie Interlude this card basically gives a second bounce to whatever effect you may need (Draw, flashback, bounce, exile from hand). On another note, this is one of my favorite card in game art-wise and gameplay wise :) .

Path to Exile A pretty hardcore spot removal, with snapcaster mage it is rarely cast once, making the spell almost an 8-off in the deck.

Oust I honestly did not think this deck needed more removal, but I believe it is truly necessary to have a fifth removal spell.

Cloudshift This card was almost replaced by Momentary Blink , but I found that the high CMC of the card in general and flashback was just not worth it. With Snapcaster Mage this card is generally very good at saving creatures and generating value.

Eerie Interlude A surprising addition to the deck, once again from Shadows over innistrad. This card is amazing for a lot of reason. First and most simply, you can choose any number of creature to flicker, which can generate enormous amount of value, and compared to Cloudshift, Restoration Angel and Eldrazi Displacer this card can save your cards from board wipes ! Since it will return the creatures at the next end step ! Honestly, this just pushes this card enough for it to be amazing. And it's synergy with Restauration angel and Snapcaster Mage can just not be ignored.

Serum Visions Yes, this is a bit of a boring choice, but being able to dig 3 or 4 cards deep is just too good to be ignored, can really save you in a pinch or fixing your early game. Of course, with all the bouncing of creatures, it is a rather nice card to flashback with Snapcaster Mage.

Suggestions are welcome (and in fact wanted), and please Upvote my deck or tell me what you think is wrong with it :) ! 

Oh and also, tips for any editing mistakes I may have made on my deck page are welcome too.


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #21 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 4 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 10 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.46
Tokens Clue
Folders Modern, OPP, DECKS, Colorless Stuff
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