(Also, I know that Vessel of Volatility is the picture but I don't have a single one of those in the deck but heyyy the art looks neat.)
So, welcome to my take on an Izzet Madness deck. I try to make this as budget as possible because I don't really have a lot of money on me right now. The Jace, Unraveler of Secrets is an exception, because I recently pulled one out of a booster (by the way, that was my first walker, so it would feel bad to sell it lol).
Anyways, this deck focuses on madness cards, like the following:
Avacyn's Judgment
Malevolent Whispers
Welcome to the Fold
Fiery Temper
Bloodmad Vampire and
Just the Wind
How would you cast them with madness? The remainder of the cards in this deck are either win conditions and discard engines, such as:
Tormenting Voice
Lightning Axe (doesn't look lightning to me)
Ghostly Wings and
Insolent Neonate
Geralf's Masterpiece enters later to be your wincon. The deck focuses on surviving the early stages of the game to put it down. Later on, when you've already bounced or burnt their creatures, Geralf will be your man to deal (at most) 7 damage each turn.
Other burn cards, such as Avacyn's Judgment, are here to either fend off big creatures to survive, and may even be a wincon if it's late enough.
Welcome to the Fold would be another answer to a big creature on your opponent's side. You could use it as a wincon, too, if the first to didn't go so well.
The deck seems to go well in the early stages of the game. The problem seems to be that I discard too much later on and end up having an empty hand most of the time. The following are the ideas I've thought of:
Adding prowess creatures
Adding more burn cards
Adding more surge cards and
Adding more draw cards
I'm out of ideas :D. So, if anyone can help me, I'd gladly find your house, knock on your door, and give you a nice pat on the back.
Obviously, I can't. But you get the point.
Any suggestions are welcomed! Thanks in advance! :>