

Creature (1)

Enchantment (1)

Artifact (1)

Sorcery (1)

R/B Aggro got a boost from BNG and I thought I would try to make a deck and see where it takes me. This deck is all about attacking constantly and bringing out lots of creatures to pressure the opponent, as well as use burn to keep the board clear. It also uses other means of damaging the opponent to deliver damage in multiple ways.


~~~ Herald of Torment ~~~

3/3 flyer for 3, can also be bestowed for 5. Good in the early and late game, helps keep my other creatures alive, provides evasion and is a good target for being bestowed himself. Life drain is not irrelevant but worth the upside.

~~~Mogis, God of Slaughter~~~

Devotion shouldn't be too hard to reach on this guy, but even if I don't he provides another avenue of damage for me, or picks off guys from my opponent.

~~~Pain Seer~~~

I know he is not the next Dark Confidant but I want to see how he performs in this deck. I view him as a 2/2 for 2, and anything else I get is a bonus. He is a prime target for my bestow creatures as they keep him alive, still give me a creature if my opponent uses removal, and allow him to attack with less worry.

~~~Purphoros, God of the Forge~~~

Getting devotion on this guy won't be easy compared to Mogis, but his other abilities are very relevant. His Shock whenever I bring out a creature is great for another avenue of pain, or for killing opponents creatures. His pump ability is great flood insurance as well.

~~~ Rakdos Cackler ~~~

2/2 for 1, who cares that he can't block? This deck doesn't really want to block anyways.

~~~ Rakdos Shred-Freak ~~~

2/2 for 2 and haste, I am running this over Ash Zealot because the mana is more flexible.

~~~ Spike Jester ~~~

3/1 for 2 and haste is awesome, basically Lightning Strike at your opponent whenever he attacks if they can't set up their defenses fast enough.

~~~ Spiteful Returned ~~~

I have had a lot of luck with this guy in Limited, want to see how that carries over to Constructed. His ability is another avenue of pain, and he is great either bestowing a creature or being bestowed on. I would only cast him for 2 if I had no other two drop creatures in hand.


~~~Lightning Strike~~~

Solid damage spell, works on both creatures and players. Will definitely hold these in hand until I can do lethal or wipe out a troublesome creature.

~~~Mizzium Mortars~~~

4 damage for 2, but only to creatures. My answer to Blood Baron of Vizkopa. Also a board wipe later in the game, but only for opponents (weakish) creatures.

~~~ Searing Blood ~~~

Trying this over Magma Jet for now. Extra 3 damage to opponent is sweet, as long as it kills a creature. Will use to finish off a creature that has taken damage, either from combat or another spell.


~~~ Dark Betrayal ~~~

Side in against MBC, probably side out Mizzium Mortars or Searing Blood . Either way, a kill for 1 mana is worth it.

~~~Doom Blade~~~

Side in against decks that run big creatures my other burn spells don't work on (and aren't running black, I'm looking at you R/G Monstrous).

~~~ Peak Eruption ~~~

Because it is hilarious to blow up people's lands, AND dealing three to the face?!?! Sign me up!

~~~Pithing Needle~~~

My answer to Planeswalkers, Pack Rat, etc.


Side in against decks that run few to no creatures and/or gain a lot of life (cough UW Control cough)

Let me know what you think, I will be running this deck over the next few weeks and will post updates on how I do.


Updates Add

Went 2-1 in a Standard Tournament at my LCS. Went 2-1 against a Red Devotion deck that splashed black. Went 2-0 against Boros Aggro. Went 1-2 against Naya Hexproof, got the opponent down to 1 life in game 3. So close! Swapping out the Searing Blood for Magma Jet made a huge difference as it is easier to get the mana to cast Jet on turn two or three and keep them under control.


Revision 4 See all

(11 years ago)

+1 Gift of Orzhova maybe
+1 Whip of Erebos maybe
Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 9 Rares

11 - 4 Uncommons

12 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.21
Folders opo, Black Red, Cool budget decks
Ignored suggestions
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