

Hi, i'm an edh player, i don't play competitive, i just wanna have fun with my friends and try to win. I love building decks and i'm always trying to find better and funnier solution to improve my decks. Usually i'm starting with a budget deck and after some games, if is it worth, i replace some budget cards with stronger ones.

When I built this deck, I was looking for a tricolor deck, with high synergy and we can say complex, with a lot of possibility behind every turn. Well, I found the right commander for me.
I think Marchesa is a really funny commander. You can choose a lot of theme with her and she makes the deck super resilient.
Dethrone seems legit in a friendly table. I attack you, since you got the most life, nothing personal :D. This ability provides the fuel for the engine of the deck and I'm talking about the other ability of Marchesa. She will bring back all the creatures that died with a +1/+1 counter on them (including herself). EVERYONE will come back ASAP (at the beginning of the next end step*), they'll just make a trip to the graveyard. Starting with this, you can create a wonderful deck.
After few years of playing and testing it, I can say that it's my favorite deck by far.

My first idea was a theft deck, use spells like Mark of Mutiny, attack with your opponents creature and then sacrifice them to permanently control all of them. But what if you opponents don't play good creature? or rarely play it? That's why I choose a more solid solution.
Marchesa makes your creature hard to remove, they keep coming back so I decided to abuse it. The deck is based on creatures and more specifically on creature with good ETB/LTB trigger. They do everything for me: removal, counter opponents spells, draw, sacoutlet, ramp, generate thousand of value.
This is a control/aristocrat based deck. One of my main goal in game is to hard control the board, trying to block other player's answer.
Basically i just:
  1. play creature and get value
  2. put a +1/+1 counter on it
  3. sac it
  4. creature come back at the end of turn, generating more value
  5. Repeat from point 2

But let's go into a deeper description.
All you need are:

The game plan is playing Marchesa and generate +1/+1 counter as soon as possible. After that you can enjoy the game, control your opponents and generate a wide board full of threat. I just attack to generate +1/+1, creature without ETB/LTB effect can just sit as soon as they get the first +1/+1 counter. I kept the avarage CMC quite low, there are just few creature with cmc higher than 4, so I may easily play more than a creature on my turn. If your opponents don't find a way to remove Marchesa, you will slowly and kindly dominate the game.
There are few combos in the deck but I'm not playing for that, usually I win via combat damage after exhausting my opponents.

1x Swamp, 1x Mountain, 1x Island. All will be one phyrexian full art basic land cause they are nice.
This is a tricolor deck, without green, so we must look for the best untapped land that provides multicolor.
Excluding dual land (too expansive for me) we got:
3x Shocklands. Cause they can lower my life points and they ETB untapped
3x Painlands + City of Brass and Mana Confluence. Same reason as shockland: Untapped and lower my life points.
3x Checklands
3x Bondlands
3x Innistradlands

Fabled Passage, Command Tower, Forbidden Orchard, Exotic Orchard, Reflecting Pool, Clearwater Pathway  

Scalding Tarn, Marsh Flats, Temple of Malice (I’m going to replace Marsh Flats and Temple with Polluted Delta and Bloodstained Mire as soon as they get reprinted)

2x Sacrifice land: Phyrexian Tower and High Market

3x +1/+1 land to help our engine: Guildmages' Forum, Forge of Heroes and Opal Palace

Malakir Rebirth   really good utility land, can save a good creature without a counter on it.

Plaza of Heroes another really nice land. In case of emergency break glass, tap 3 and exile it.

Mana rocks:

1 mana: Sol Ring

2 mana: 2x talisman (always good in this deck), 2x Guild Signet + Arcane Signet and Fellwar Stone.

3 mana: what? We have to look like a good edh deck.


Ashnod's Altar and Phyrexian Altar they are remembered for another job, especially in this deck, but they produce mana, so yes. They are fine.


Kalain, Reclusive Painter I really like this card, is one of my favorite turn 2 play. On turn 3 it let you play Marchesa with a +1/+1 counter on it. It’s not a broken card, but works really good in this deck.

Atsushi, the Blazing Sky I mainly use the “create 3 treasure ability”, but also the first ability is really nice if you don’t need mana. He took the place of Solemn Simulacrum for obvious reasons:

- 3 treasure vs 1 tapped basic land (I have 3 total basic land in the deck, even if I reuse it I can’t get that much value)
- Both of them have some kind of draw ability
- Better body, 2/2 vs 4/4 flier with trample
- Same CMC

Dockside Extortionist another Treasure generator, THE TREASURE GENERATOR. This card is OP in every red deck. Immagine using his ETB trigger every turn.

Mahadi, Emporium Master and Pitiless Plunderer they are both good.

They both create a good amount of treasure token if we have some +1+1 generator and we sacrifice our creature.

We have Mana Drain, Swan Song and Fierce Guardianship as classic instant counterspell and 2 creature:

Siren Stormtamer repeatable 1 mana counter spell/ability that target you or a creature you control

Glen Elendra Archmage same story, counter non creature spell AND she has persist, really tricky in a +1/+1 deck.

Playing with this 2 creature on the board can be really frustrating for opponents and can deeply influence their choise, creating a psychological war.

Malakir Rebirth  , Feign Death and Plaza of Heroes can save a creature at instant speed, Spellskite can do the same, multiple times and can also lower our life. (sometimes he can also “steal” some good spell that our opponents cast on their creature, ask Feather, the Redeemed player for more info) Deflecting Swat is simply OP
Excluding Marchesa and the 3 lands that we mentioned before, we have:

Drana, Liberator of Malakir +1/+1 counter generated during combat, just like Marchesa, but if you can’t use dethrone this will be your best friend. She can spread +1/+1 counters on every attacking creature and she does it before the other “normal” creature damage phase, since she has first strike.

Kalain, Reclusive Painter Her second ability is really nice if you wanna play a creature with an instant +1/+1 on it thanks to the treasure created by our friends. In a standard scenario, there is no need to use more then one for every creature.

Unspeakable Symbol this is normally a bad card, but it’s amazing in this deck.

Iron Apprentice, Sage of Fables, Metallic Mimic, Uncivil Unrest and Mikaeus, the Unhallowed let you abuse your ETB/LTB trigger on every single turn.

The first one can die and return every turn if you have Marchesa on the battlefield and everytime he share a +1/+1 counter with someone else.

The other 3 works on every creature of a certain type (Wizard for Sage of Fables, we got a lot of them in the deck, including Marchesa. The choosen type with metallic mimic and all non-Human with Mikaues. Unfortunately we got a lot of human in the deck, but I’m going to try it anyway, should work very well even in this situation). We can’t say the same for Oona's Blackguard since we don’t have any other rogue in the deck atm.
We got 2 lands, 1 creature with Exploit card:Sidisi, Undead Visier and 8 free to use classic altar.

Goblin Bombardment ping small creature, ping face, ping ourself to lower our life if we can’t use dethrone. Really good.

Ashnod's Altar, Phyrexian Altar free mana, always good.

Artifact and enchantment are usually harder to remove and they are a safer choice for aristocrat decks, but with Marchesa the creature are really hard to remove if you keep a counter on it. That’s why I preferred them over some other artifact like Altar of Dementia.

Carrion Feeder 1 mana, auto +1/+1 generator, really solid

Viscera Seer 1 mana, scry. Another good option.

Yahenni, Undying Partisan haste can easily get counter, he also get indestructible , really really strong. The only bad thing is that he can’t sacrifice himself, so you can’t save him from exile.

Falkenrath Aristocrat more or less like Yahenni. Haste, indestructible, we have a lot of Human and can sacrifice herself.

Immersturm Predator Another indestructible sac outlet with graveyard hate. This one could be replaced with Yawgmoth, Thran Physician. I have it in another deck atm but could be our best sac outlet by far.
Rhystic Study blue staple

Necropotence auto include in this deck. I usually don’t use it too aggressively. I just keep my hand full and manage my life points.

I already talked about Atsushi, the Blazing Sky and Sage of Fables, but I don’t use their draw ability very often.

Watcher for Tomorrow uncommon choice here, but works very well. Hideaway option instead of classic draw is really good. He is a Wizard so if you have Sage of Fables on the battlefield you can just look for the best card from top 4 of your library every turn.

Grim Haruspex simply amazing in this deck and every aristocrat deck. We don’t play token here, so every death is a draw.

Thought Sponge another card specifically printed for this deck. You can sac it on each opponents turn. In the worst scenario is a free draw 2 card.
I play 3 board wipe, they are really cheap and I use it just in case of emergency if I can’t control the board with my creature’s spot removal. In this deck every board wipe look like In Garruk's Wake but for 1/3 mana cost. Anyway this isn’t always the smartest option if you don’t have an instant way to put a +1/+1 counter on Marchesa or some other key creatures.

Blasphemous Act, Last One Standing and Toxic Deluge(really good also to lower your life points).

Sidisi, Undead Vizier if you find a way to get a free +1/+1 you can just sac herself everyturn.

Imperial Recruiter only 2 or less power creature tutor, but we have 24 option in the deck, choose wisely.

One shot removal

Chaos Warp Grixis doesn’t have a lot of solution against enchantment. You have to keep it for something really annoying like Solemnity of Rest in Peace

Repeatable Removal

Oona's Blackguard not a classic removal for the board, but we can remove threats from our opponent’s hand.

Dictate of Erebos “passive removal”, in an aristocrat deck like this can be deadly, with a good +1/+1 generator it’s a board wipe and you can instantly kill every creature played by your enemy.

Accursed Marauder just to stay in theme.

Goblin Bombardment, Dreadhorde Butcher, Juri, Master of the Revue, Flayer of the Hatebound small spot removal + face damage for late game (or lower your life points)

Irreverent Revelers Artifact removal

Ravenous Chupacabra Creature removal

Canoptek Tomb Sentinel Non land removal for just 4 mana, amazing. Replaced Meteor Golem

Vindictive Lich I love this card, it’s an amazing control card and another Wizard

Junji, the Midnight Sky another discard effect, he can also reanimate something good

Hostage Taker can be used to remove creature or artifact and steal it

Sower of Temptation You can steal something, put a +1/+1 on it and sacrifice it to permanently control it. Sometimes you can just steal it and in case of emergency sacrifice it.

Kokusho, the Evening Star gain life doesn’t synergize with the game plan but this is so cool and can be used to end the game or save our life.

Kardur, Doomscourge really good for buying time and create some chaos. This is also really fun

Mob Rule this is a finisher, you can steal almost all the creature on the battlefield and then keep all of them if you used Dethrone. (or just sacrifice it after combat)

Spark Double a jolly, can do everything and change it every turn according to the situation.
As you can see I focused my choice on repeatable effect over some staple used in this color pie.
For a more competitive deck you can play some cards like Feed the Swarm, Deadly Rollick, tutor like Diabolic Intent, Vampiric Tutor and Diabolic Tutor too increase the chance to find an answer against something (especially enchantment) that kill our game. If you wanna have more fun, just go for some more expensive solution on a creature and repeat the process. I never cried because I didn't have Feed the Swarm or another instant/sorcery removal and my opponent played Hushbringer blocking my deck. Sometimes that kind of things aren't bad just for you so you can wait for somebody else to remove it, or it's just gg. Go for the next :) .
The deck is well balanced, it should't be hard to find at least 1 sac outlet and some creature to generate value, just be sure to play Marchesa asap, so if you get some ramp is good.

Again, this is not a combo deck, playing combo is not my plan, but i just wanna mention some combo or good interaction (I choose the cards in the combo just because they are good for the deck and I like them regarless of the combo).

Other good Stuff:

The engine behind this deck is really powerful, you can get value from your creature every turn, if you can generate +1/+1 counter, but the funnier thing is doing it on your opponents turn.
Flayer of the Hatebound for example can be sacrificed every turn twice thanks to the undying ability (sac it, deal 5 damage to any target and come back. Sac it again, deal 4 damage and come back at the end of turn).
Sage of Fables, Iron Apprentice, Metallic Mimic and Mikaeus, the Unhallowed allow you to generate value during every turn and this is super powerful Other possible finisher can be any wrath spell if you got Marchesa and all your board with +1/+1 counters or Mob Rule for massive attack or just to make your board bigger if you can put a counter on them and sac it before the end of turn.
Spark Double is probably one of the strongest creature in the deck. He enter with his own counter and can do everything, from copying Marchesa for making the board even more resilient, to amplifing whatever you need, copying removal creature if you need more removal and so on.









11/03/2022: (New amazing dragons from kamigawa)


2023: During the year i also added Dockside, Deflecting Swat, Fierce Guardianship and some good lands, i didn't keep track of everything, my bad.



Here are some cards that i'd like to try:

  • Bloodstained Mire
  • Polluted Delta
  • Yawgmoth, Thran Physician
  • Deadly Rollick
  • Smothering Abomination
  • Desecrated Tomb
  • Terror of the Peaks
  • Aura Thief
  • Mindleech Ghoul
  • Intellect Devourer
  • Meta

    Here are some example of decks I'm facing in my playgroup:

    Jalira and the Big Boyz

    My other decks

    Bontu, Mrs Crocodile Dundee
    Snakes. Why'd It Have To Be Snakes?
    Did Someone Say Extra Combat?
    Come on, You Weren't Attacking with This
    Ghired Create a Token that's a Copy of WHAT?

    Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Feedback and are welcome!


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    97% Casual


    Top Ranked
    Date added 5 years
    Last updated 1 week

    This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    10 - 0 Mythic Rares

    57 - 1 Rares

    21 - 0 Uncommons

    9 - 0 Commons

    Cards 100
    Avg. CMC 3.12
    Tokens Bird 1/1 W, Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Morph 2/2 C, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure
    Folders Sparring decks, EDH Decks, saved decks, Dimir Surveil, Marchesa, Decks for Mag
    Ignored suggestions
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