
Haven't seen anyone else post this here so here is my take on Mardu Humans, featuring Winota, Joiner of Forces.

Simple: I hate Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath. Card is so pushed and I refuse to pay $120 for a playset of a card, no matter how good it is. So I worked hard on a deck to counter it. Thus, this deck has 11 mainboard ways to deal with Uro. I dislike it that much.
In case you haven't seen Winota, Joiner of Forces, she kinda wants you to run a suite of humans and non-human creatures.

Her ability digs 6 cards deep so hypergeometric math says I should play a minimum of 20 humans. And since she can pull herself out, I'm playing 4 copies of her and 16 others. The sideboard has a suite of humans too, for various circumstances. Some are good enough that I wish they were mainboard, like Lavabrink Venturer but there wasn't enough space.

On the human side we have: General Kudro of Drannith a human that buffs other humans and exiles things in graveyards whenever he or another human ETBs (bye bye Uro). Not only that, he also can sacrifice humans to kill big creatures. All in all, a great card and one of the main cards you are looking for when Winota triggers.

Other humans in the deck are 2 copies of Tajic, Legion's Edge, because he makes our other creatures larger over time and protects against Deafening Clarion and Storm's Wrath, a singleton copy of Judith, the Scourge Diva as she pumps the whole team, human or not, and Haktos the Unscarred a great, but tricky card. Haktos is taxing on the mana base and sometimes he just isn't that great. But when he's great, punching an opponent for 6 is no joke.

All the above creatures are legendary humans so I included a playset of General's Enforcer because not only is he aggressively costed (2/3 for 2) but he gives legendary humans indestructible and can make humans by exiling cards in a pinch (bye bye Uro).

The last playset is Tithe Taker. This guy is here for a couple reasons, when he dies his afterlife makes a Spirit token which triggers Winota, Joiner of Forces. Additionally, he makes your opponent's spells and abilities cost more on your turn which helps deal with the Cauldron Familiar and Witch's Oven synergy. Basically, depending on your opponent's deck they want to get rid of him as fast as possible. Not to mention, Deafeaning Clarion is still a card heavily played, so when they sweep, we lose our Tithe Taker but get a Spirit and hopefully get to cast and use Winota, Joiner of Forces's ability on the next turn or the turn after that.

So we have to run non-humans to get value. On this side I have 3 copies of Legion Warboss, makes Goblins, is a goblin, 1 copy of Anax, Hardened in the Forge another layer of sweeper protection, 3 copies of Murderous Rider, kill something and come back as a non-human, and 2 copies of Raise the Alarm instant speed make tokens. These numbers I'm not so sure on, but this what I've been testing recently.
Rounding out the deck are 2 copies of Fire Prophecy a new 2 mana deal 3, with the upside of putting a card back in the deck and drawing a new one, 2 copies of Fight as One a bit more sweeper/spot removal protection and 3 copies of Dire Tactics a wonderful exile target creature spell that punishes you if you aren't playing Humans.
One of the main reason I went with Mardu was Dire Tactics. If it wasn't so good, I would probably go up on copies of Fabled Passage and Fire Prophecy to get Humans I want to cheat out of my hand and back into the deck. So if this deck were just RW (budget? maybe?) that is something I would probably do. Though that deck would look a lot different as a result. But I know not everyone hates Uro like I do and not not everyone has playsets of shocklands just laying around. So I might build that deck too. Stay tuned for that!

In other news, one of the problems with playing a combo deck is once your opponent figures out your combo they aggresively attack it. SO, another thing I'll be working on for this deck is way to shift from the combo in game 2. Any thoughts?

Thank you for reading or just looking! I would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and comments so post them down below! Or just leave an upvote, that works too.


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Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

32 - 5 Rares

12 - 7 Uncommons

5 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.56
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R, Human 1/1 W, Human Soldier 1/1 W, On an Adventure, Soldier 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 WB
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