

         I am trying to keep the cost reasonable, so I am most likely not going to be able to afford any cards that are going to cost me anymore than $2.00 a piece.

Something to keep in mind is that I only have roughly ~$85 into my entire MTG Library, I only began playing a few weeks ago but I am absolutely in love with it.

4x Geth's Verdict - Only took one game of having to face Hexproof and I knew i never wanted to deal with that again.. I replaced 4 of destroy non blacks with these. My goal is to be able to narrow down the field to the enemy's hexproof creatures, and force him to remove them himself.

4x Rakdos Charm - I came across this card looking for some more utility, I have replaced 2 raw damage and 2 destroy artifact cards with this, I love the flexibility of the card and I felt it made the deck a lot more well rounded.

4x Skullcrack - The easiest way that I have learned of to deal with decks that can out heal my aggression

3x Guttersnipe - He is honestly the core reason i decided to build a burn deck, with 21 spells in the deck (the majority of which are low cost and easily field-able) this damage really adds up.

4x Vampire Nighthawk - I have a feeling this card needs to stay no matter what, its really hard to overstate how badass it is.

1x Liliana of the Veil - Got Liliana in my first ever booster pack, kind of obsessed with all that awesome

1x Chandra Nalaar - I wanted another Planeswalker to increase the statistical likelihood of me seeing one during a game and I felt she was the best bang for the buck for my aggressive deck.

Dreadbore - I want, but they are nearly $3 a pop ; /Rakdos's Return - Another card I am very interested in, but at the moment is ~$4 per card.

Thank you for your time!


Updates Add

Thanks to help from guys in the forums I have made quite a few changes I'm really liking.

All non-vampires except Guttersnipe and Rakdos, Lord of Riots were removed so that I could use 2x Blood Tribute and 2x Feast of Blood, i felt these greatly increased the decks ability to compete, it remained aggressive whilst giving me some sustainability. I also love the premise of using Blood Tribute to slice an opponents health in half, this will be a great way to respond to a deck that is simply out healing my damage, his massive health gains will only come to bite him in the ass.

+2 Vampire Nighthawk +3 Stromkirk Captain
+1 Rakish Heir

I broke down and got the above creatures either because I was able to trade for them or purchase them cheaply.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

10 - 10 Rares

21 - 4 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.84
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