
Creature (1)


Looking for feedback on Melek for multiplayer commander. There is many directions Melek can go. However, I am looking to create an experience that gives me a different experience all the time. For example, right now I am looking for a few ways to win

1) dragon beat down2) Spinx-Bone Wand3) Storm / Spell Slinging (Ignite Memories, DragonStorm)4) Unblockable Pumpable Dudes

I am having a hard time balancing this.

I had Guttersnipe/Talrand in here before, but they are just too big of targets at a multiplayer table.

In the maybeboard i've included cards I've played with, but have recently swapped out.

I don't want to spend a lot of $ to make this deck. Unfortunately I have found that mystical tutor is a must - to give me that 'different' experience since its the only card that can search for sorcery's. (Which give me the artful dodge, etc, combo's).

If you know of different paths other then high tide/turnabout for the spellslinging side of things, it would be great. I'm finding that a bit boring after a while.

Notable Combos/Cards

Acquire Steals Sol Rings and other ramping cards

Epic Experiment and Mind's Desire : Crazyness Occurs

Nivix Cyclops , Wee Dragonauts Charmbreaker Devils: The guys i can pump and make unbloackable when i cast a bunch of spells

Artful Dodge, Shadow Rift : Gives my guys unblockable

High Tide Turn About Past in Flames Insanity happens. If people know another way to use this, it would be great

Dragons: you'll notice some dragons in here. All are interchangeable but i've prioritized ones with haste as after a dragonstorm I need to hit hard. I've tried including the dragons breath / reckless charge, but they never really worked reliably with the other dragons.

Sphinx-Bone Wand I've been trying to find a way to incorporate this card in a deck, and this one seems to be the best at it. The trick is getting it into play, and having enough spells

Rush of Blood : Putting this on top of my deck just makes someone huge after pumping.

Blazing Shoal: I recently hit this with an epic experiment and being able to discard large dragons (multiple times) while making melek unblockable gives me an instant kill too.

Any thoughts on how to recur my own dragons if they hit the graveyard? Time reversal is my only thought as I won't spend the $ on the one that allows you to untap lands.


Updates Add

In: Eye of the Storm This is just too big of an effect not to try out. When playing a solo game on my own, I drew this and Sphinx-Bone Wand and realized the potential! Spellweaver Volute Testing it out for now.

Out: Some dragons to make room for other win conditions.

Updating based on some results when playing 1v1 on I haven't had a chance to play this multiplayer yet.

Overall, it is a different experience each time I've played. I've won a number of games in different ways including 1) Epic Experiment + Mind's Desire: This was interesting because I didn't hit anything that I could kill him with. However I was able to hit Blazing Shoal with a Reverberate and Shadow Rift to discard 2 big dragons to give Melek unblockable. Long story short - won through commander damage.

2) Hellkite Charger: (Dragon Beat-down): This guy is just insane and does work.

3)Sphinx-Bone Wand: I was playing mono black who really couldn't deal with this. This got to him before his rats got to me

4) Ignite Memories: Storm count of 14, brought him to 36 life to 0 :).

5) Charmbreaker Devils: They didn't have any removal, and were new the format, so I don't think he had enough removal. But, I was able to Long-Term Plans an artful Dodge, then draw into it with Ponder and Gitaxian Probe for a solid 20 damage. I flashed it back and did some more spells to finish him off.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

22 - 0 Rares

20 - 1 Uncommons

23 - 0 Commons

Cards 99
Avg. CMC 3.49
Tokens Dragon 6/6 R
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