Here's a deck that takes advantages of Mirko Vosk's great milling ability without relying on it as a win condition--it's basically there to fill your opponents' graveyards with creatures that you can steal with various cards and use as your own.
Notable cards and combinations:
YOUR GENERAL: He's here to mill the opponent out, and that's basically all there is to it. Make no mistake: His ability is a powerful one, but consider it more of a utility than anything else--it's not likely that he'll be killing anyone off. That said:
Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker
+ Fireshrieker or Grappling Hook : Mirko's milling ability is pretty central to this deck's strategy. Given double strike, Mirko will force any opponent he deals combat damage to into milling through 8 lands. In theory, this probably decks them in about four or five turns (depending on their manabase and how much they've ramped). In practice, it at least affords you many targets for the cards listed below that steal creatures or other things from graveyards.
Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker
+ Vela the Night-Clad, Mask of Riddles, Sword of Body and Mind,
Sword of War and Peace
, Rogue's Passage, Trailblazer's Boots, or Whispersilk Cloak: Because it's so important that Mirko gets through to damage an opponent, you want him to be as evasive as possible. His innate flying ability is nice, but adding intimidate, fear, protection, landwalk, trample, shadow, or outright unblockability is even better.
MILL MORE: To reiterate, milling probably isn't a win condition in this deck, but you still want to do as much of it as you can. Here's what we've got:
Consuming Aberration: Probably the single most powerful creature in this entire deck once you've done a little work. It forces opponents to mill more, and it gets absolutely gigantic.
Jace's Archivist,
Whispering Madness
: Not typical mill, sure, but these are nice because they can help rip through your own deck to get cards you need, plus they disrupt opponents' plans pretty well.
Nemesis of Reason
: A real pain--it only does three damage, but it mills whether it's blocked or not, and 7 toughness means it's sticking around.
Sword of Body and Mind: Add some extra mill with each blow. Protection is nice, as are wolf tokens. Just a solid equipment.
Mind Grind
and Traumatize: 'Nuff said.
TURTLING: When playing previous versions of this deck, I found that it really needed time to become powerful--time it often wasn't afforded by opponents. In the latest revision, I've added defensive cards that dissuade opponents from attacking you; they're not going to make you any friends, but they also don't impact the board much unless creatures swing into you, which helps.
Propaganda and Koskun Falls: Pretty straightforward. These both hose token decks in particular, which is nice as you'll never have too many blockers to work with.
Dread, Vengeful Pharaoh, and No Mercy: These are brutal variations on the same effect--you swing at me, your creatures die. Nice as it also provides you with more creatures to steal from graveyards.
Grave Pact: Not so fun to swing into someone if they're going to block and make you sacrifice a creature.
PLUNDER GRAVEYARDS: Basically the name of the game here. It's not the single most reliable strategy, but it's fun, which is what this deck is built for.
Chainer, Dementia Master, Rise of the Dark Realms, Liliana Vess, Dimir-doppleganger, Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni,
Dance of the Dead
, Rise of the Dark Realms, Sepulchral Primordial, Wrexial, the Risen Deep, Beacon of Unrest, Animate Dead, and
: These are all of the "steal things from graveyard" cards. The idea is to mill as much as possible with the cards listed above and then steal anything worthwhile.
Necrotic Ooze: Why reanimate when this thing can just take advantage of all abilities in the graveyard? Slurp.
Cemetery Puca, Mimic Vat : Not quite stealing from graveyards, but close. These work well with the large amount of direct removal in this deck.
ASSASSINS: Since this deck does work well with creatures in the graveyard, you'll want ways to easily kill anything on the battlefield.
Ashling, the Extinguisher
: Ashling is happy to wear any of the gear that makes Mirko Vosk unblockable. Because it forces a sacrifice effect, this gets around indestructibility, too: Just make sure targets don't have prot black.
Avatar of Woe: Should easily hit 10 or more creatures in 'yards thanks to all of the milling.
Dread Cacodemon
. Decree of Pain, Nevinyrral's Disk : Because sometimes you don't want targeted removal and would instead opt to explode the entire board.