
Wolf Tribal Synergy Deck STRATEGIES

  1. Get the wolf pieces you need with Duskwatch Recruiter. If you need more chances, board in Signal the Clans.

  2. Transform the Recruiter and the Mayor to get the creatures you need early and cheap.

  3. Get the Daybreak Ranger to transform and clear a path. Lightning Bolt works for that too.

  4. Token up, wait until you have 6+ creatures, then end the game with unblockable wolves with Gruul Charm, Chasm, or from Outlaw's MENACE.

  5. Get rid of fliers with Gruul Charm, Ranger, and Atarka's Command.

  6. Protect wolves from board wipe with Heroic Intervention.

  7. Board in Huntmasters for life gain and more wolves.

  8. Get wolves to stay as wolves with Immerwolf. Nice boosts with Mayor as well.

  9. Finally, don't be afraid to trade when on defense. Keep minimum 2 mana open for Moonmist, then declare blockers.


Updates Add

  1. Wooded Foothills added for consistent mana base.

  2. Nightpack Ambusher adds greater utility vs. Huntmaster

    • Gives buffs to wolves and werewolves
    • More consistent token generator
    • Flash and 4/4 starting body is hard to remove
    • Greatly improves buff chances on the draw
  3. Recruiter and Collected Company gets more creatures for war

-Moonlight Hunt deals more damage with more wolves and werewolves

-Lightning Bolt is limited to 3 damage

-Nightpack Ambusher on Flash is an investment

-Immerwolf + Nightfall Predator consistently gets rid of blockers


Date added 6 years
Last updated 4 years
Exclude colors WUB
Splash colors RG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

25 - 11 Rares

15 - 2 Uncommons

4 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.39
Tokens Human 2/2 G, Wolf 2/2 G
Folders Wanted
Ignored suggestions
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