The idea for this was to get a Mizzet and Laboratory Maniac in play then draw/damage/draw until you win. Either Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind or Niv-Mizzet, Parun with Curiosity, Ophidian Eye or Tandem Lookout will trigger draw/damage/draw.. etc.

You can end the Tandem Lookout by targeting something other than a player.

Laboratory Maniac is in for extra win con/multiplayer wins/I hate your deck for gaining 10 life from a 1/1.

Looking to swap out Kira, Great Glass-Spinner. Great for defense but requires Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius to pretarget my own things so I can get Curiosity, Ophidian Eye or Tandem Lookout to work without being countered.

Ideas and suggestions for this would be welcome :)


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